Selected Events
May 15, 2024
Event Types
- Workshop / Seminar(131)
- Lecture / Discussion(68)
- Performance(44)
- Social / Informal Gathering(40)
- Other(23)
- Livestream / Virtual(22)
- Meeting(14)
- Conference / Symposium(13)
- Presentation(11)
- Exhibition(9)
- Class / Instruction(7)
- Fair / Festival(7)
- Film Screening(6)
- Reception / Open House(6)
- Recreational / Games(5)
- Well-being(5)
- Ceremony / Service(1)
- Community Service(1)
- Tours(1)
- Rackham Graduate School(65)
- Spectrum Center(50)
- School of Music, Theatre & Dance(44)
- Equity Civil Rights and Title IX Office(24)
- Disability Equity Office(22)
- Institute for Social Research(18)
- Organizational Learning(16)
- Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion(14)
- Organizational Studies Program (OS)(14)
- Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(12)
- Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD)(12)
- Romance Languages & Literatures RLL(12)
- Department of Psychology(11)
- Digital Studies Institute(11)
- Department of Psychiatry(10)
- LSA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion(9)
- Multi Ethnic Student Affairs - MESA(9)
- University Musical Society (UMS)(9)
- National Center for Institutional Diversity(8)
- Department of American Culture(7)
- Information and Technology Services (ITS)(7)
- School of Social Work Diversity Equity and Inclusion(7)
- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts(7)
- Trotter Multicultural Center(7)
- Veteran and Military Services(7)
- optiMize(7)
- Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI)(6)
- School of Social Work(6)
- Asian Languages and Cultures(5)
- Communication and Media(5)
- Department of Afroamerican and African Studies(5)
- Department of Middle East Studies(5)
- Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy(5)
- Sessions @ Michigan(5)
- Center for Educational Outreach(4)
- Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing(4)
- Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies(4)
- Center for World Performance Studies(4)
- Department of Film, Television, and Media(4)
- Engineering Education Research(4)
- Engineering Office of Culture, Community, and Equity (OCCE)(4)
- Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (MI-LSAMP)(4)
- Residential College(4)
- School of Information(4)
- School of Nursing(4)
- Social Psychology(4)
- WISE Residence Program(4)
- Women's and Gender Studies Department(4)
- Arab and Muslim American Studies (AMAS)(3)
- Black Maternity Equity Collective(3)
- Center for Global and Intercultural Study(3)
- Center for Racial Justice(3)
- Comparative Literature(3)
- Comprehensive Studies Program(3)
- Department of Sociology(3)
- Germanic Languages & Literatures(3)
- Global Islamic Studies Center(3)
- HSSP(3)
- ICPSR at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research(3)
- Institute for Research on Women and Gender(3)
- International Center(3)
- International Institute(3)
- Language Resource Center(3)
- Marsal Family School of Education(3)
- Michigan Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease Center(3)
- Native American Studies(3)
- Prison Creative Arts Project(3)
- School of Kinesiology(3)
- School of Social Work, Community Action Social Change Undergraduate Minor(3)
- University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)(3)
- Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia(3)
- Arts Initiative(2)
- Barger Leadership Institute(2)
- Biomedical Engineering(2)
- Black Welcome Week(2)
- Business+Impact at Michigan Ross(2)
- Center for South Asian Studies(2)
- Center for Southeast Asian Studies(2)
- DEIA, University of Michigan Library(2)
- Department of English Language and Literature(2)
- Department of Linguistics(2)
- Department of Mathematics(2)
- Digital Accessible Futures Lab(2)
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(2)
- Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies(2)
- Global Scholars Program(2)
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies - ICOS(2)
- International Programs in Engineering(2)
- Judaic Studies(2)
- LSA Honors Program(2)
- LSA Student Government(2)
- LSA Transfer Student Center(2)
- Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts(2)
- Michigan Community Scholars Program(2)
- Michigan Engineering(2)
- Michigan Medicine(2)
- Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars(2)
- Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center(2)
- Nexus at Michigan Engineering(2)
- Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences(2)
- OVPR Office of Research Development(2)
- Program in the Environment (PitE)(2)
- Student Life(2)
- Student Sustainability Coalition(2)
- The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR)(2)
- Turn Up Turnout(2)
- UM Sustainable Food Systems Initiative(2)
- University Library(2)
- University of Michigan Speech Neurophysiology Lab(2)
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program(2)
- Adventure Leadership(1)
- Applied Physics(1)
- Arab Student Association(1)
- Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies(1)
- Astronomy Colloquia(1)
- CEW+(1)
- Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine (CBSSM)(1)
- Center for Disability Health and Wellness(1)
- Center for Entrepreneurship(1)
- Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety (CHEPS)(1)
- Center for Japanese Studies(1)
- Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies(1)
- Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies CMENAS(1)
- Center for Midlife Science(1)
- Center for Political Studies - Institute for Social Research(1)
- Central Student Government(1)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering(1)
- College of Pharmacy(1)
- Computer Science and Engineering Division(1)
- Department Colloquia(1)
- Department of Anthropology(1)
- Department of History(1)
- Department of Physics(1)
- Department of Political Science(1)
- Developmental Psychology(1)
- Difficult Dialogues(1)
- Eisenberg Family Depression Center(1)
- Engineering Student Government(1)
- Epidemiology(1)
- Erb Institute / Ross Business School and School for Environment & Sustainability(1)
- Generation APA Cultural Show(1)
- History of Art(1)
- Inclusive History Project(1)
- Industrial & Operations Engineering(1)
- Institute for the Humanities(1)
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research(1)
- Interdepartmental Program in Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology(1)
- Kinesiology(1)
- LSA Biophysics(1)
- LSA First-Gen Commitment(1)
- LSA First-Year Student Recruitment(1)
- La Casa(1)
- Latina/o Studies(1)
- Learning Community on Inclusive Teaching in Mathematics - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies(1)
- Living Arts(1)
- M-STEM Academies(1)
- Maize and Blue Cupboard(1)
- Mechanical Engineering(1)
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS)(1)
- Michigan Athletics(1)
- Michigan Dining(1)
- Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR)(1)
- Michigan Interfaith in Action(1)
- Michigan Law Environmental and Energy Law Program(1)
- Michigan Learning Communities(1)
- Michigan Malaysian Students' Association (MiMSA)(1)
- Michigan Program for Advancing Cultural Transformation (M-PACT)(1)
- Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science(1)
- Michigan Ross(1)
- Michigan Ross Center for Positive Organizations(1)
- Michigan Ross Global Initiatives(1)
- Michigan in Washington Program(1)
- Native American Law Students Association(1)
- NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies(1)
- Newnan LSA Pre-Health(1)
- North Campus Research Complex NCRC Art Program(1)
- North Quad Programming(1)
- Not Even Really Drama Students - NERDS(1)
- Office for Health Equity and Inclusion(1)
- Office of Financial Aid OFA(1)
- Office of Global Public Health(1)
- Office of New Student Programs ONSP(1)
- Office of Research School of Dentistry(1)
- Penny W Stamps School of Art & Design(1)
- Poverty Solutions(1)
- Prison Birth Project(1)
- Program in Biology(1)
- Program in International and Comparative Studies(1)
- Queer ScientisTs(1)
- Rackham Student Government(1)
- Ross School of Business(1)
- School of Public Health(1)
- Science Learning Center(1)
- Science, Technology & Society(1)
- Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Program(1)
- Self-Healing and Social Justice Art Collective(1)
- Special Events - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Veterans of America - University of Michigan Chapter(1)
- Survey Research Center(1)
- Sustainable LSA(1)
- The ADVANCE Program(1)
- The Center for the Study of Complex Systems(1)
- The Muslim Coalition(1)
- U-M Department of Family Medicine(1)
- U-M Interfaith(1)
- U-M Office of Research(1)
- U-M School of Dentistry(1)
- U-M School of Nursing (UMSN) - Office of Global Affairs & WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center(1)
- UM AAUP (University of Michigan chapter of the American Association of University Professors)(1)
- UM Addiction Center(1)
- Undergrad Physics Events(1)
- University Health & Counseling (UHC)(1)
- University of Michigan Initiative on Disability Studies(1)
- WISE(1)
- Women of Color Task Force(1)
- Zell Lurie Institute(1)
- See All Groups (217 total)
- Off Campus Location(161)
- Michigan Union(37)
- Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)(23)
- Earl V. Moore Building(16)
- Institute For Social Research(15)
- Michigan League(14)
- Walgreen Drama Center(10)
- LSA Building(9)
- Modern Languages Building(8)
- Weiser Hall(8)
- Ross School of Business(7)
- North Quad(6)
- East Quadrangle(5)
- Hill Auditorium(5)
- Palmer Commons(5)
- Burton Memorial Tower(4)
- Duderstadt Center(4)
- Lane Hall(4)
- Pierpont Commons(4)
- Trotter Multicultural Center(4)
- Haven Hall(3)
- Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower(3)
- School of Social Work Building(3)
- Weill Hall (Ford School)(3)
- Dance Building(2)
- East Hall(2)
- GG Brown Laboratory(2)
- Hatcher Graduate Library(2)
- Mary Markley Hall(2)
- Museum of Art(2)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 18(2)
- Public Health II(2)
- Regents Plaza(2)
- School of Kinesiology Building(2)
- Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building(2)
- The Connector(2)
- 202 S. Thayer(1)
- Angell Hall(1)
- Biological Sciences Building(1)
- Chrysler Center(1)
- Cooley Building(1)
- Couzens Hall(1)
- Dental & W.K. Kellogg Institute(1)
- Diag - Central Campus(1)
- Industrial and Operations Engineering Building(1)
- Jeffries Hall(1)
- Lurie Biomedical Engineering (formerly ATL)(1)
- Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre(1)
- Marsal Family School of Education(1)
- Mosher-Jordan Hall(1)
- Power Center for the Performing Arts(1)
- South Quad(1)
- Stearns Building(1)
- Stockwell Hall(1)
- Student Activities Building(1)
- West Hall(1)
- See All Locations (56 total)