Selected Events
May 15, 2024
Event Types
- Workshop / Seminar(131)
- Lecture / Discussion(68)
- Performance(44)
- Social / Informal Gathering(40)
- Other(23)
- Livestream / Virtual(22)
- Meeting(14)
- Conference / Symposium(13)
- Presentation(11)
- Exhibition(9)
- Class / Instruction(7)
- Fair / Festival(7)
- Film Screening(6)
- Reception / Open House(6)
- Recreational / Games(5)
- Well-being(5)
- Ceremony / Service(1)
- Community Service(1)
- Tours(1)
- Rackham Graduate School(65)
- Spectrum Center(50)
- School of Music, Theatre & Dance(44)
- Equity Civil Rights and Title IX Office(24)
- Disability Equity Office(22)
- Institute for Social Research(18)
- Organizational Learning(16)
- Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion(14)
- Organizational Studies Program (OS)(14)
- Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(12)
- Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD)(12)
- Romance Languages & Literatures RLL(12)
- Department of Psychology(11)
- Digital Studies Institute(11)
- Department of Psychiatry(10)
- LSA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion(9)
- Multi Ethnic Student Affairs - MESA(9)
- University Musical Society (UMS)(9)
- National Center for Institutional Diversity(8)
- Department of American Culture(7)
- Information and Technology Services (ITS)(7)
- School of Social Work Diversity Equity and Inclusion(7)
- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts(7)
- Trotter Multicultural Center(7)
- Veteran and Military Services(7)
- optiMize(7)
- Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI)(6)
- School of Social Work(6)
- Asian Languages and Cultures(5)
- Communication and Media(5)
- Department of Afroamerican and African Studies(5)
- Department of Middle East Studies(5)
- Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy(5)
- Sessions @ Michigan(5)
- Center for Educational Outreach(4)
- Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing(4)
- Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies(4)
- Center for World Performance Studies(4)
- Department of Film, Television, and Media(4)
- Engineering Education Research(4)
- Engineering Office of Culture, Community, and Equity (OCCE)(4)
- Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (MI-LSAMP)(4)
- Residential College(4)
- School of Information(4)
- School of Nursing(4)
- Social Psychology(4)
- WISE Residence Program(4)
- Women's and Gender Studies Department(4)
- Arab and Muslim American Studies (AMAS)(3)
- Black Maternity Equity Collective(3)
- Center for Global and Intercultural Study(3)
- Center for Racial Justice(3)
- Comparative Literature(3)
- Comprehensive Studies Program(3)
- Department of Sociology(3)
- Germanic Languages & Literatures(3)
- Global Islamic Studies Center(3)
- HSSP(3)
- ICPSR at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research(3)
- Institute for Research on Women and Gender(3)
- International Center(3)
- International Institute(3)
- Language Resource Center(3)
- Marsal Family School of Education(3)
- Michigan Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease Center(3)
- Native American Studies(3)
- Prison Creative Arts Project(3)
- School of Kinesiology(3)
- School of Social Work, Community Action Social Change Undergraduate Minor(3)
- University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)(3)
- Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia(3)
- Arts Initiative(2)
- Barger Leadership Institute(2)
- Biomedical Engineering(2)
- Black Welcome Week(2)
- Business+Impact at Michigan Ross(2)
- Center for South Asian Studies(2)
- Center for Southeast Asian Studies(2)
- DEIA, University of Michigan Library(2)
- Department of English Language and Literature(2)
- Department of Linguistics(2)
- Department of Mathematics(2)
- Digital Accessible Futures Lab(2)
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(2)
- Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies(2)
- Global Scholars Program(2)
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies - ICOS(2)
- International Programs in Engineering(2)
- Judaic Studies(2)
- LSA Honors Program(2)
- LSA Student Government(2)
- LSA Transfer Student Center(2)
- Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts(2)
- Michigan Community Scholars Program(2)
- Michigan Engineering(2)
- Michigan Medicine(2)
- Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars(2)
- Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center(2)
- Nexus at Michigan Engineering(2)
- Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences(2)
- OVPR Office of Research Development(2)
- Program in the Environment (PitE)(2)
- Student Life(2)
- Student Sustainability Coalition(2)
- The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR)(2)
- Turn Up Turnout(2)
- UM Sustainable Food Systems Initiative(2)
- University Library(2)
- University of Michigan Speech Neurophysiology Lab(2)
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program(2)
- Adventure Leadership(1)
- Applied Physics(1)
- Arab Student Association(1)
- Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies(1)
- Astronomy Colloquia(1)
- CEW+(1)
- Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine (CBSSM)(1)
- Center for Disability Health and Wellness(1)
- Center for Entrepreneurship(1)
- Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety (CHEPS)(1)
- Center for Japanese Studies(1)
- Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies(1)
- Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies CMENAS(1)
- Center for Midlife Science(1)
- Center for Political Studies - Institute for Social Research(1)
- Central Student Government(1)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering(1)
- College of Pharmacy(1)
- Computer Science and Engineering Division(1)
- Department Colloquia(1)
- Department of Anthropology(1)
- Department of History(1)
- Department of Physics(1)
- Department of Political Science(1)
- Developmental Psychology(1)
- Difficult Dialogues(1)
- Eisenberg Family Depression Center(1)
- Engineering Student Government(1)
- Epidemiology(1)
- Erb Institute / Ross Business School and School for Environment & Sustainability(1)
- Generation APA Cultural Show(1)
- History of Art(1)
- Inclusive History Project(1)
- Industrial & Operations Engineering(1)
- Institute for the Humanities(1)
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research(1)
- Interdepartmental Program in Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology(1)
- Kinesiology(1)
- LSA Biophysics(1)
- LSA First-Gen Commitment(1)
- LSA First-Year Student Recruitment(1)
- La Casa(1)
- Latina/o Studies(1)
- Learning Community on Inclusive Teaching in Mathematics - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies(1)
- Living Arts(1)
- M-STEM Academies(1)
- Maize and Blue Cupboard(1)
- Mechanical Engineering(1)
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS)(1)
- Michigan Athletics(1)
- Michigan Dining(1)
- Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR)(1)
- Michigan Interfaith in Action(1)
- Michigan Law Environmental and Energy Law Program(1)
- Michigan Learning Communities(1)
- Michigan Malaysian Students' Association (MiMSA)(1)
- Michigan Program for Advancing Cultural Transformation (M-PACT)(1)
- Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science(1)
- Michigan Ross(1)
- Michigan Ross Center for Positive Organizations(1)
- Michigan Ross Global Initiatives(1)
- Michigan in Washington Program(1)
- Native American Law Students Association(1)
- NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies(1)
- Newnan LSA Pre-Health(1)
- North Campus Research Complex NCRC Art Program(1)
- North Quad Programming(1)
- Not Even Really Drama Students - NERDS(1)
- Office for Health Equity and Inclusion(1)
- Office of Financial Aid OFA(1)
- Office of Global Public Health(1)
- Office of New Student Programs ONSP(1)
- Office of Research School of Dentistry(1)
- Penny W Stamps School of Art & Design(1)
- Poverty Solutions(1)
- Prison Birth Project(1)
- Program in Biology(1)
- Program in International and Comparative Studies(1)
- Queer ScientisTs(1)
- Rackham Student Government(1)
- Ross School of Business(1)
- School of Public Health(1)
- Science Learning Center(1)
- Science, Technology & Society(1)
- Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Program(1)
- Self-Healing and Social Justice Art Collective(1)
- Special Events - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Veterans of America - University of Michigan Chapter(1)
- Survey Research Center(1)
- Sustainable LSA(1)
- The ADVANCE Program(1)
- The Center for the Study of Complex Systems(1)
- The Muslim Coalition(1)
- U-M Department of Family Medicine(1)
- U-M Interfaith(1)
- U-M Office of Research(1)
- U-M School of Dentistry(1)
- U-M School of Nursing (UMSN) - Office of Global Affairs & WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center(1)
- UM AAUP (University of Michigan chapter of the American Association of University Professors)(1)
- UM Addiction Center(1)
- Undergrad Physics Events(1)
- University Health & Counseling (UHC)(1)
- University of Michigan Initiative on Disability Studies(1)
- WISE(1)
- Women of Color Task Force(1)
- Zell Lurie Institute(1)
- See All Groups (217 total)
- Off Campus Location(161)
- Michigan Union(37)
- Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)(23)
- Earl V. Moore Building(16)
- Institute For Social Research(15)
- Michigan League(14)
- Walgreen Drama Center(10)
- LSA Building(9)
- Modern Languages Building(8)
- Weiser Hall(8)
- Ross School of Business(7)
- North Quad(6)
- East Quadrangle(5)
- Hill Auditorium(5)
- Palmer Commons(5)
- Burton Memorial Tower(4)
- Duderstadt Center(4)
- Lane Hall(4)
- Pierpont Commons(4)
- Trotter Multicultural Center(4)
- Haven Hall(3)
- Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower(3)
- School of Social Work Building(3)
- Weill Hall (Ford School)(3)
- Dance Building(2)
- East Hall(2)
- GG Brown Laboratory(2)
- Hatcher Graduate Library(2)
- Mary Markley Hall(2)
- Museum of Art(2)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 18(2)
- Public Health II(2)
- Regents Plaza(2)
- School of Kinesiology Building(2)
- Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building(2)
- The Connector(2)
- 202 S. Thayer(1)
- Angell Hall(1)
- Biological Sciences Building(1)
- Chrysler Center(1)
- Cooley Building(1)
- Couzens Hall(1)
- Dental & W.K. Kellogg Institute(1)
- Diag - Central Campus(1)
- Industrial and Operations Engineering Building(1)
- Jeffries Hall(1)
- Lurie Biomedical Engineering (formerly ATL)(1)
- Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre(1)
- Marsal Family School of Education(1)
- Mosher-Jordan Hall(1)
- Power Center for the Performing Arts(1)
- South Quad(1)
- Stearns Building(1)
- Stockwell Hall(1)
- Student Activities Building(1)
- West Hall(1)
- See All Locations (56 total)
LSA@Play: DEI Mental Health & Well-Being Fair
College of LSA Student Event
Asian American is Not a Color: Conversations on...
A book talk with OiYan Poon
Resiliency Hubs: Protecting our Communities in a...
Residents & Researchers Tuesday Talks on environment,...
Colorism Multimedia Exhibit
Prof. Rogério Pinto, Social Work
PALentines Card Making
Aro Awareness Week 2025
Discussing Aro Experience on Campus
Aro Awareness Week 2025
Curtis Center Art for Equity Contest: How can you...
In partnership with Michigan Medicine, for Health Equity...
- Virtual
- School of Social Work
- Michigan Medicine
- Other
- Google folder for viewing Feb. 20th informational session recording and materials
- Registration for Informational Webinar on February 20, 2025
- Registration for HYBRID Curtis Center Art for Equity Contest Award Ceremony on April 11th, 2025
- The Curtis Center's X page
Aromantic Awareness Lunch & Learn with Oprah...
Aro Awareness Week 2025
The Next 25: The Self-Determination Era and the...
A symposium on the 50th anniversary of the Indian...
- Palmer Commons
- Native American Studies
- Native American Law...
- Department of American...
- Conference / Symposium
- Click for more information
- Sign up here for the event
- NAS Symposium. Friday, February 21: Click to add it to your calendar.
- NAS Symposium. Friday, February 22: Click to add it to your calendar.