Presented By: University Career Center
Gearing Up To Apply To Medical School Q&A
If you are getting ready to apply to medical school and have questions about the process, mechanics or timelines, this session if for you. Kindly place your question(s) in this google form at: and plan to attend since these sessions are not recorded. This Q&As is organized by the University Career Center and Newnan Academic Advising. We want to ensure full and equitable participation in our events. If an accommodation would promote your full participation in this event, please indicate your accommodation requirements in this form, preferably at least 14days prior to the program. If you have any questions regarding access to our programs, please don't hesitate to reach out to Cierra Sutherland at To ensure sufficient time for arranging your requestedaccommodation(s) or exploring suitable alternatives, we kindly request that you inform us as soon as possible.