Presented By: Housing Solutions for Health Equity
Pilot Grant Lightning Talks: Expanding Housing & Health Research

Housing Solutions for Health Equity is a research initiative at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, led by Dr. Roshanak Mehdipanah. At HSHE, we envision a world where decent, safe, affordable, and healthy housing is available to everyone. However, we know our state and nation are far from realizing that vision. We understand that living conditions and location impact many aspects of people’s lives, including their health. We also understand that inequities in access to decent, safe, affordable, and healthy housing persist in Michigan and across the United States. As a part of our work, we developed a pilot grant program to fund researchers who are interested in exploring housing and health related topics. During this webinar, we will hear from our three grantees – Dr. Kate Bauer, Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences, Dr. Margi Dewar, Professor Emerita of Urban and Regional Planning, and Dr. Joe LaBriola, Research Assistant Professor at the Institute for Social Research – who will discuss their projects and findings.