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Presented By: The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Professors Zhan Chen, Anna Kirkland, and Anne McNeil, Collegiate Professorship Inaugural Lecture

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This event will take place both in person and virtually.

Professor Zhan Chen, the Michael D. Morris Collegiate Professor of Chemistry, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Biophysics, and Applied Physics

Lecture Title: Probing Polymer and Biological Molecules at Buried Interfaces in Situ in Real Time

Lecture Abstract: Interfacial properties such as adhesion, friction, biocompatibility, and chemical reactivity are mediated by interfacial structures. It is difficult to study buried interfacial structures in situ at the molecular level due to the lack of appropriate tools. We have developed sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy into a powerful tool to study in situ, real time molecular structures and interactions at buried interfaces, including complex polymer and biological interfaces. Our research not only provides fundamental knowledge about interfaces, but also elucidates molecular interaction mechanisms at buried interfaces that are important for industrial applications and commercial products.

Professor Anna Kirkland, the Kim Lane Scheppele Collegiate Professor of Women's and Gender Studies

Lecture Title: The Troubles with Health Care Civil Rights

Lecture Abstract: Applying civil rights laws to health care has been hard for a long time. From the hospital desegregation efforts of the 1960s to debates over gender-affirming care today, civil rights and health care have troubled each other. What does anti-discrimination mean in doctor-patient interactions, in health insurance benefit plans, and in our courts and legislatures? Why are civil rights in health care running into troubles, and what are those troubles? I answer these questions drawing on my research into health care civil rights implementation in hospitals across the country, the histories of our civil rights laws and regulations, and the stakes of our current legal and political disputes.

Professor Anne McNeil, the Carol A. Fierke Collegiate Professor of Chemistry, Program in the Environment, and Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Lecture Title: Microplastics are Here, There, and Everywhere

Lecture Abstract: Microplastics have been found virtually everywhere we've looked, sparking concerns about their impacts on the environment and human health. As a result, quantifying the concentration, identity, and fate of microplastics is one of the most important questions of our time. Yet the existing data may be flawed; the burden of proof for calling something a microplastic is minimal, and it is not uncommon for researchers to report a microplastic based on appearance alone, or with a low quality spectrum. Moreover, many studies lack proper controls or use equipment that could introduce contamination. In this talk, I will discuss these challenges with identifying microplastics and our approach to improving data collection and interpretation. I will also share some data from our studies looking at microplastic contamination in the air and groundwater in Michigan. Combined, these improved methods and higher quality data aim to inform efforts to reduce microplastic contamination in our environment and bodies.

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