ISRMT Seminar: The Riemann problem for a discrete conservation law
Patrick Sprenger (University of California Merced)
The hydrodynamics of a system of conservation laws can often be understood by studying solutions to a Riemann problem, i.e., the evolution...
ISRMT Seminar: Planar orthogonal polynomials with non-Hele-Shaw type polynomial potentials
Seung-Yeop Lee (University of South Florida)
Planar orthogonal polynomials in the double scaling limit have been much studied for their connection to Coulomb gas system in two...
ISRMT Seminar: How to represent a function in a quantum computer?
Michel Alexis (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics)
Quantum Signal Processing (QSP) is an algorithmic process by which one represents a signal $f:[0,1] \to (-1,1)$ as the upper left entry of a...