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Presented By: Sessions @ Michigan

[Rackham] Writing a Diversity Statement for the Faculty Job Search

Increasingly, hiring committees are interested in how prospective faculty job candidates will contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a result, many academic employers have begun to request a diversity statement as part of the faculty job application process. In this interactive session, we will discuss best practices for writing diversity statements, examine sample statements, and work through activities designed to help participants start writing their own statement.

Learning objectives:
Reflect on ways you are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in your research, teaching, engagement, leadership, or other areas
Identify resources that allow you to participate and contribute to DEI initiatives, opportunities, projects, and research
Review best practices to write a diversity statement and learn how to critically evaluate diversity statements
Please note that we will be recording this workshop for Rackham DEI Certificate Program educational use and purposes. The recording will not be used for any commercial purpose. As such, we ask that you please turn off your cameras while we are recording. We know that some people have their names displayed when their camera is turned off, so if you don’t want your name to be visible in the recording, please remove it prior to the workshop. We will have a question and answer portion at the end of the workshop that won’t be recorded, at which time you’re welcome to turn on your cameras    This workshop is designed for University of Michigan master's students, doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows. For faculty and staff, please contact to see if we can accommodate your attendance.

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