The Week of: Feb 9, 2025
Event Types
- Workshop / Seminar(119)
- Exhibition(106)
- Careers / Jobs(77)
- Other(44)
- Lecture / Discussion(41)
- Performance(38)
- Social / Informal Gathering(30)
- Conference / Symposium(18)
- Livestream / Virtual(14)
- Meeting(14)
- Well-being(12)
- Exercise / Fitness(11)
- Sporting Event(11)
- Presentation(7)
- Film Screening(6)
- Tours(6)
- Fair / Festival(4)
- Reception / Open House(3)
- Auditions(2)
- Recreational / Games(2)
- Class / Instruction(1)
- University Career Center(69)
- Sessions @ Michigan(53)
- Maize Pages Student Organizations(40)
- School of Music, Theatre & Dance(32)
- University Library(23)
- University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)(20)
- Department of Mathematics(17)
- Arts Initiative(14)
- International Institute(14)
- Institute for the Humanities(13)
- Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion(13)
- Planetarium & Dome Theater at the Museum of Natural History(13)
- Residential College(11)
- Institute for Social Research(10)
- North Campus Research Complex NCRC Art Program(10)
- Asian Languages and Cultures(9)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum(9)
- Michigan Athletics(9)
- Museum of Natural History(9)
- Rackham Graduate School(9)
- University Health & Counseling (UHC)(9)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology(7)
- Institute for Research on Women and Gender(7)
- Kinesiology Community Programs(7)
- Students Organize for Syria (SOS)(7)
- William L. Clements Library(7)
- Women's and Gender Studies Department(7)
- Slavic Languages & Literatures(6)
- Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia(6)
- Center for South Asian Studies(5)
- Engineering Career Resource Center(5)
- Germanic Languages & Literatures(5)
- ICPSR at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research(5)
- LSA Transfer Student Center(5)
- Michigan Medicine(5)
- Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO)(5)
- Organizational Learning(5)
- Penny W Stamps School of Art & Design(5)
- Archaeology at Michigan(4)
- Blood Drives United(4)
- Department of Physics(4)
- Department of Sociology(4)
- Information and Technology Services (ITS)(4)
- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts(4)
- Barger Leadership Institute(3)
- Bentley Historical Library(3)
- Center for Japanese Studies(3)
- Department of Anthropology(3)
- Department of Film, Television, and Media(3)
- Department of Linguistics(3)
- Disability Equity Office(3)
- Equity Civil Rights and Title IX Office(3)
- Ginsberg Center(3)
- Industrial & Operations Engineering(3)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology(3)
- LSA Student Recruitment(3)
- LSA Transfer Student Recruitment(3)
- Program in Biology(3)
- Romance Languages & Literatures RLL(3)
- Sanger Leadership Center(3)
- Student Sustainability Coalition(3)
- University Unions(3)
- University of Michigan Sustainable Food Program (UMSFP)(3)
- Beyond the Diag(2)
- Center for Campus Involvement CCI(2)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering(2)
- Classical Studies(2)
- Department of Political Science(2)
- Department of Psychology(2)
- Department of Statistics(2)
- Department of Statistics Seminar Series(2)
- Eisenberg Family Depression Center(2)
- Erb Institute / Ross Business School and School for Environment & Sustainability(2)
- Financial/Actuarial Mathematics Seminar - Department of Mathematics(2)
- Global CO2 Initiative(2)
- HSSP(2)
- History of Art(2)
- Interdepartmental Program in Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology(2)
- International Center(2)
- Keene Theater(2)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Tours(2)
- LSA Opportunity Hub(2)
- Mary A. Rackham Institute(2)
- Max Kade German Residence(2)
- Michigan Dining(2)
- Michigan Engineering C.A.R.E. Center(2)
- Michigan Robotics(2)
- Multi Ethnic Student Affairs - MESA(2)
- Museum of Anthropological Archaeology(2)
- Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center(2)
- Newnan LSA Pre-Health(2)
- RC Players(2)
- Raoul Wallenberg Institute(2)
- Ross School of Business(2)
- School for Environment and Sustainability(2)
- School of Information(2)
- Science Learning Center(2)
- Spectrum Center(2)
- The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR)(2)
- Trotter Multicultural Center(2)
- University Musical Society (UMS)(2)
- University of Michigan Retirees Association (UMRA)(2)
- WISE Residence Program(2)
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program(2)
- Advanced Research Computing (ARC)(1)
- Algebraic Geometry Learning Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Alumni Association(1)
- Animania: The Japanese Animation Film Society(1)
- Applied Interdisciplinary Mathematics (AIM) Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Biomedical Engineering(1)
- Business+Impact at Michigan Ross(1)
- CEW+(1)
- Cell & Developmental Biology(1)
- Center for Emerging Democracies(1)
- Center for Sustainable Systems(1)
- Central Student Government(1)
- Chitwan Valley Family Study(1)
- Colloquium Series - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Combinatorics Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Crafts For Conservation: VIPs Club(1)
- DCMB Seminar Series(1)
- DCMB Tools and Technology Seminar(1)
- Department Colloquia(1)
- Department of Afroamerican and African Studies(1)
- Department of Astronomy(1)
- Department of Chemistry(1)
- Department of English Language and Literature(1)
- Department of Human Genetics(1)
- Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology(1)
- Department of Recreational Sports (Rec Sports)(1)
- Differential Equations Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Difficult Dialogues(1)
- Digital Studies Institute(1)
- Donia Human Rights Center(1)
- EEB Thursday Seminars(1)
- EEB Tuesday Lunch Seminars(1)
- Earth and Environmental Sciences(1)
- English Language Institute(1)
- Frontiers in Scientific Machine Learning (FSML)(1)
- Geometry Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Global Islamic Studies Center(1)
- Graham Sustainability Institute(1)
- HEP - Astro Seminars(1)
- HET Brown Bag Series(1)
- Heartfulness Meditation at UMich(1)
- Hopwood Awards Program(1)
- IHPI(1)
- International Policy Center(1)
- International Programs in Engineering(1)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Lectures(1)
- LSA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion(1)
- LSA First-Gen Commitment(1)
- LSA First-Year Student Recruitment(1)
- LSA Honors Program(1)
- Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Brown Bag Seminars(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Seminars(1)
- Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies(1)
- Living Arts(1)
- Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts(1)
- Mechanical Engineering(1)
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS)(1)
- Michigan Artificial Intelligence Laboratory(1)
- Michigan Carbon Capture(1)
- Michigan Community Scholars Program(1)
- Michigan Engineering(1)
- Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR)(1)
- Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering(1)
- Michigan Institute for Data & AI in Society (MIDAS)(1)
- Michigan International Student Ministry(1)
- Michigan Learning Communities(1)
- Michigan Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease Center(1)
- Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (MI-LSAMP)(1)
- Michigan Malaysian Students' Association (MiMSA)(1)
- Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars(1)
- Michigan Ross Center for Positive Organizations(1)
- Nam Center for Korean Studies(1)
- National Center for Institutional Diversity(1)
- Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI)(1)
- Office of New Student Programs ONSP(1)
- Office of the Vice President for Communications(1)
- Organic Chemistry(1)
- Pi Tau Sigma(1)
- Planet Blue Ambassadors(1)
- Population Studies Center(1)
- Preprint Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Psychology Methods Hour(1)
- Psychology Undergraduates(1)
- QuantUM(1)
- Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (QMSS)(1)
- RTG Seminar on Number Theory - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD)(1)
- Research Museums Center(1)
- School for Environment and Sustainability SEAS(1)
- School of Social Work Diversity Equity and Inclusion(1)
- Self-Healing and Social Justice Art Collective(1)
- Single Cell Spatial Analysis Program (SCSAP)(1)
- Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Combinatorics Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Dynamics/Geometry/Topology Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Life(1)
- Student Life Sustainability(1)
- Student Logic and History of Math Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Number Theory Reading Group - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Number Theory Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Survey Research Center(1)
- Sustainable LSA(1)
- The Black Student Union(1)
- The Center for the Study of Complex Systems(1)
- The Michigan Gayly: LGBT Issues(1)
- UM Sustainable Food Systems Initiative(1)
- University and Development Events(1)
- University of Michigan Helen Zell Writers' Program(1)
- University of Michigan Mechanical Engineering(1)
- Wallace House Center for Journalists(1)
- optiMize(1)
- See All Groups (217 total)
- Off Campus Location(89)
- Hatcher Graduate Library(22)
- Museum of Natural History(22)
- Museum of Art(21)
- East Hall(19)
- Earl V. Moore Building(13)
- East Quadrangle(13)
- Weiser Hall(13)
- 202 S. Thayer(11)
- Michigan Union(11)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 18(10)
- LSA Building(8)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens(8)
- Modern Languages Building(8)
- West Hall(7)
- William Clements Library(7)
- Burton Memorial Tower(6)
- Lane Hall(6)
- Michigan League(6)
- North Quad(6)
- Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower(5)
- Walgreen Drama Center(5)
- Mason Hall(4)
- Pierpont Commons(4)
- West Quadrangle(4)
- Biological Sciences Building(3)
- Crisler Arena(3)
- Duderstadt Center(3)
- Ford Robotics Building(3)
- Industrial and Operations Engineering Building(3)
- Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)(3)
- Chrysler Center(2)
- Detroit Observatory(2)
- Haven Hall(2)
- Institute For Social Research(2)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology(2)
- Palmer Commons(2)
- South Quad(2)
- Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building(2)
- UMSI Engagement Center(2)
- 1027 E. Huron Building(1)
- 1100 North University Building(1)
- Alice Lloyd Hall(1)
- Alumni Center(1)
- Angell Hall(1)
- Baits House II(1)
- Betsy Barbour House(1)
- Bursley Hall(1)
- Center for the Education of Women(1)
- Central Campus Classroom Building(1)
- Chemistry Dow Lab(1)
- Couzens Hall(1)
- Dana Natural Resources Building(1)
- Dance Building(1)
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building(1)
- GG Brown Laboratory(1)
- Hill Auditorium(1)
- International Center(1)
- Jeff T. Blau Hall(1)
- Lorch Hall(1)
- Lurie Biomedical Engineering (formerly ATL)(1)
- Lurie Robert H. Engin. Ctr(1)
- Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre(1)
- Mosher-Jordan Hall(1)
- Newberry Residence(1)
- North Campus Recreation Building(1)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 10(1)
- Power Center for the Performing Arts(1)
- Rachel Upjohn Building(1)
- Randall Laboratory(1)
- School of Education(1)
- School of Kinesiology Building(1)
- School of Social Work Building(1)
- Stockwell Hall(1)
- Tappan Hall(1)
- Trotter Multicultural Center(1)
- Yost Ice Arena(1)
- See All Locations (77 total)
February 15th, 2025
Buckeye Blast 2025
Club Gymnastics Meet at Ohio State University! Super excited to watch all our men's and women's teams compete!
Commonwealth Cup Weekend 1
Fly's first OUTDOOR 7v7 tournament of the year!
Join SOCHI Email List!
Fill out this form to join our email list Welcome to SOCHI! We're thrilled you're interested...
Queen City Tune Up
chasing plastic in south carolina
University of Michigan TSCHL Playoffs
University of Michigan TSCHL Playoffs at Bird Ice Arena in Athens, OH from February 14th until February 16th.
Pierpont Poetry Project
Check out the Pierpont Poetry Project! 50 student-written poems are on display throughout Pierpont Commons. The poems were all inspired by...
Home Tournament
Tournament on Feb 15 at IMSB
A Prison, a Prisoner, and a Prison Guard
An Exploration of Carcerality in the Middle East and North Africa
Join us for a multimedia exploration of the impact of prisons on countries and communities across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)...
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World
Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What Research and Mixed Race People Tell Us
The exhibit "Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World: Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What...
South Asian Language Programs Pedagogy Conference | Meeting Teaching Challenges with South Asian Pedagogy
South Asian language instructors from Big Ten institutions will share their teaching challenges and experiences. The instructors will...
South Quad / Fletcher (2024-2025) (Housing)
Multiple conference events and sessions
Party 101(Kelsey House A)
The Bibliophile and the Library: Private-Press Books from the Collection of Bill Heidrich
View beautifully illustrated books that stand as remarkable testaments to the work of twentieth-century small private presses, which, in...
Lifetime Fitness classes are offered at Briarwood Mall in the JCPenney wing. No experience necessary. Classes are specifically designed for...
Dinosaur Discoveries 2025: Amazing Adaptations
Dinosaur Discoveries is back! Join the U-M Museum of Natural History for a fun-filled weekend of science, exploration, and arts and crafts....
Leaves Under the Lens
The leaf surface is a dynamic landscape where tiny, specialized structures help plants interact with the world around them. Let’s bring...
[Cancelled] The Breath of Ancient Trees: European Flutes, Recorders, and Music from the 17th and 18th Centuries
This performance has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience....
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Larry Cat In Space
Planetarium & Dome Theater
Intended for young children, Larry Cat In Space is a playful, imaginative cartoon presentation about an inquisitive cat who takes a trip to...
Star Wars Padawan Training
Join us to learn some lightsaber choreography, play fight, and practice your saber swings at the Union. Bring a lightsaber if you have one,...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...
Discovery Demo: All About Owls
Join us in the Science Forum for a 15-20 minute engaging science demonstration that will help you see the world in a whole new way....
Anime Con: Con Ja Nai XXIX on 2/15!!!
Calling all anime fans! It is with great pleasure that we announce Con Ja Nai XXIX! Join us on February 15th from 12-8 PM in the MLB of the...
Con Jai Nai XXIX on 2/15!!!
Calling all anime fans! It is with great pleasure that we announce Con Ja Nai XXIX! Join us on February 15th from 12-8 PM in the MLB of the...
Sea Monsters
The film follows a curious and adventurous Dolichorhynchops – familiarly known as a ‘dolly’ – as she travels through the most...
[CASTING CALL] Raisin in the Sun
The Residential College Players are looking for African American students to perform in our production of Raisin in the Sun! This is a very...
Sky Tonight
A live presentation on what to find in the sky tonight and for the coming few weeks. This presentation includes how to find the cardinal...
Discovery Demo: How to Become a Fossil
Explore how fossils form and what parts of animals can become fossilized. How old are the earliest fossils? How old does something have to...
MoJo Valentines Day
MoJo is hosting a Valentine's Day! Come enjoy chocolates and making cards for those you love. Bring your friends!
Saturday Sampler Tour | First Comes Love: A Valentine’s Day Tour
Pat Pancioli, Docent
The classical Roman poet Virgil wrote “love conquers all” in 37 BCE. In honor of Valentine’s Day, this tour explores Virgil’s...
We Are Stars
What are we made of? Where did it all come from? Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry and our explosive origins. Connect life on...
Discovery Demo: All About Owls
Join us in the Science Forum for a 15-20 minute engaging science demonstration that will help you see the world in a whole new way....
Markley Hall (2024-2025) (Housing)
Multiple conference events and sessions
DPE take to Valentines day Celebration
Sky Tonight
A live presentation on what to find in the sky tonight and for the coming few weeks. This presentation includes how to find the cardinal...
Mosher-Jordan (2024-2025) (Housing)
Multiple conference events and sessions
Science Communication-A Seminar
Transdisciplinary Fellows (2024-2025) (Housing)
Multiple conference events and sessions
Valentines Party
Friends of Opera 50th Anniversary Celebration
Join us in celebrating 50 Years of the Friends of Opera Competition. Supported by the generous Friends of Opera, this competition allows...
Valentine's Card Making
Join us for a Valentine’s Card-Making event at the Grace Lee Boggs Multicultural Lounge! Take a break, get creative, and craft heartfelt...
Lawyers Club (2024-2025) (Housing)
Multiple conference events and sessions
Lawyers Club Murder Mystery Dinner
Malaysian Cultural Night 2025
On February 15th 2025, MiMSA will host our annual Malaysian Cultural Night (MCN) at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The event will begin with...
Transdisciplinary Fellows (2024-2025) (Housing)
Multiple conference events and sessions
A Valentine Murder Cruise
Men's Swimming & Diving vs First Chance Meet
Men's Swimming & Diving vs First Chance Meet
Men's Swimming & Diving vs First Chance Meet
Men's Swimming & Diving vs First Chance Meet
Transdisciplinary Fellows (2024-2025) (Housing)
Multiple conference events and sessions
Movie Night: Rio (Adult Graduate Student event)
Women's Swimming & Diving vs First Chance Meet
Women's Swimming & Diving vs First Chance Meet
Women's Swimming & Diving vs First Chance Meet
Women's Swimming & Diving vs First Chance Meet
Body Concert
Performed by Lone Wolf Tribe
A hauntingly romantic duet of muscles, tendons and bone... Inspired by Japanese Butoh dance, a minimalistic spectacle achingly animated in...
Body Concert
Performed by Lone Wolf Tribe
A hauntingly romantic duet of muscles, tendons and bone... Inspired by Japanese Butoh dance... a minimalistic spectacle achingly animated in...
Jake Blount, Simon Chrisman, and Nic Gareiss
and Nic Gareiss
Jake Blount (pronounced: blunt, they/he) is an award-winning interpreter of Black folk music based in Providence, RI. Initially recognized...
Matthew Bengtson, piano
Enjoy a "Concert en douze Etudes" featuring transcendental etudes by Liszt, Lyapunov and Sierra. Matthew Bengtson, associate...