Presented By: HEP - Astro Seminars
Virtual HEP-Astro Seminar | Overview of Dual-Readout Calorimetry Status and Development Plans For Future Electroweak Factories
Roberto Ferrari (INFN)
Meeting ID
954 2991 7490
At present, hadronic shower energy measurements are heavily limited by the event-by-event fluctuations of the electromagnetic shower fraction. Based on the simultaneous measurement of scintillating (S) and Cherenkov (C) light, the dual-readout calorimetric technique is one of the solutions proposed for overcoming this problem and compensating for it, on an event-by-event basis. In this talk, we will quickly review the work done so far on dual-readout calorimeters and show their impressive potential, in particular when coupled with a highly granular readout system. On top of that, time measurements may complement the 2D imaging capabilities of a fibre-sampling calorimeter and provide information on the shower longitudinal profile. Finally, an electromagnetic dual-readout crystal section will open the door for measurements of electromagnetic showers with top-of-the-art energy resolution, without harming the hadronic performance. The development plans and the expected performance will be described in the context of the IDEA proto-experiment proposed for future circular electroweak factories (FCC-ee and CEPC).
954 2991 7490
At present, hadronic shower energy measurements are heavily limited by the event-by-event fluctuations of the electromagnetic shower fraction. Based on the simultaneous measurement of scintillating (S) and Cherenkov (C) light, the dual-readout calorimetric technique is one of the solutions proposed for overcoming this problem and compensating for it, on an event-by-event basis. In this talk, we will quickly review the work done so far on dual-readout calorimeters and show their impressive potential, in particular when coupled with a highly granular readout system. On top of that, time measurements may complement the 2D imaging capabilities of a fibre-sampling calorimeter and provide information on the shower longitudinal profile. Finally, an electromagnetic dual-readout crystal section will open the door for measurements of electromagnetic showers with top-of-the-art energy resolution, without harming the hadronic performance. The development plans and the expected performance will be described in the context of the IDEA proto-experiment proposed for future circular electroweak factories (FCC-ee and CEPC).