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Presented By: Regenerative Medicine Biosciences Initiative

Regenerative Medicine Biosciences Initiative Grand Challenge

Regenerative Medicine Biosciences Initiative Grand Challenge Regenerative Medicine Biosciences Initiative Grand Challenge
Regenerative Medicine Biosciences Initiative Grand Challenge
Regenerative Medicine Grand Challenge May 23-24, 2023

We wanted to invite you to our second annual Grand Challenge, centered around the new ARPA-H program, with specificity to regenerative medicine and biomaterials!

Biosciences Scientific Research Initiative in Regenerative Medicine Grand Challenge
Tuesday, May 23 (afternoon) and Wednesday, May 24 (morning) NCRC Building 18, Dining Hall

Theme: Regenerative Medicine/Disruptive Biomaterials and ARPA-H.

Goal: Bring together investigators from across campus to explore "needle moving" ideas and connect people to form teams that are competitive for the new ARPA-H funding mechanism.

Day 1
Lunch provided.
Overview of ARPA-H program - Kate Remus (Senior Associate Director & Business Development Group Lead, Innovation Partnerships)

Talks from recent DARPA awardees at UM to demonstrate the types of "needle moving" technologies that get funded and their experiences with this program.

Talks from Regenerative Medicine PIs at UM with technologies that have potential for funding within the ARPA-H themes:
-Health science futures
-Scalable solutions
-Proactive health

Day 2
Breakouts to brainstorm ideas and have teams coalesce around transformative ideas that could be competitive for ARPA-H funding.

For teams ready to submit to ARPA-H, our Biosciences Initiative will help provide guidance. Teams still in need of refining their ideas can submit white papers for potential seed funding.

Please RSVP with the link on this page!

For questions, please email
Regenerative Medicine Biosciences Initiative Grand Challenge Regenerative Medicine Biosciences Initiative Grand Challenge
Regenerative Medicine Biosciences Initiative Grand Challenge

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