Title: Justice by Means of Democracy
In Justice by Means of Democracy, Danielle Allen offers a new paradigm for political economy, power-sharing liberalism. Building on the work of scholars like Amartya Sen, Philip Pettit, and Elizabeth Anderson, Allen offers an innovative reconstruction of liberalism based on the principle of full inclusion and non-domination—in which no group has a monopoly on power—in politics, economy, and society. At a time of great social and political turmoil, when many residents of the leading democracies question the ability of their governments to deal fairly and competently with serious public issues, and when power seems more and more to rest with the wealthy few, Allen reconsiders the very foundations of justice and democracy. The surest path to a just society in which all have the support necessary to flourish is the protection of political equality, and recognizing this leads to an alternative strategy for the project of political economy.
In Justice by Means of Democracy, Danielle Allen offers a new paradigm for political economy, power-sharing liberalism. Building on the work of scholars like Amartya Sen, Philip Pettit, and Elizabeth Anderson, Allen offers an innovative reconstruction of liberalism based on the principle of full inclusion and non-domination—in which no group has a monopoly on power—in politics, economy, and society. At a time of great social and political turmoil, when many residents of the leading democracies question the ability of their governments to deal fairly and competently with serious public issues, and when power seems more and more to rest with the wealthy few, Allen reconsiders the very foundations of justice and democracy. The surest path to a just society in which all have the support necessary to flourish is the protection of political equality, and recognizing this leads to an alternative strategy for the project of political economy.
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