Presented By: Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Open House - CoE Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Aaron Friedman Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory
Welcome to the University of Michigan's College of Engineering Open House event! Are you curious about the exciting field of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering? Look no further! Our event is your chance to explore the cutting-edge research and state-of-the-art facilities of our department, and learn directly from our esteemed faculty and students.
At our event, you'll have the opportunity to:
1. Learn about the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering program
2. Receive a tour of our laboratory specializing in hydrodynamics
3. Learn about advanced research at the lab and department level
4. Speak with current undergraduate and graduate students
5. Take a ride on the towing tank carriage
Join us at our Open House event to learn more about how our department can help you achieve your academic and professional goals
At our event, you'll have the opportunity to:
1. Learn about the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering program
2. Receive a tour of our laboratory specializing in hydrodynamics
3. Learn about advanced research at the lab and department level
4. Speak with current undergraduate and graduate students
5. Take a ride on the towing tank carriage
Join us at our Open House event to learn more about how our department can help you achieve your academic and professional goals
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