Presented By: Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering
The Women in Computational Science Symposium is the inaugural event for the MICDE's DISCOVER (Discovery and Innovation in Scientific Computing: Opportunities for Valuing Exploration and Research) mini-symposium series. This mini-symposium provides a unique opportunity to delve into the pioneering research conducted by women in computational science while also gaining insight into their personal experiences and the challenges they face as researchers.
This year's Women in Computational Science Symposium features:
Katrin Heitmann, as a keynote speaker
Clare Boothe Luce Fellows: Liz Livingston and Jessica Conrad
WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) University of Michigan
Panel discussion on navigating scientific careers
This year's Women in Computational Science Symposium features:
Katrin Heitmann, as a keynote speaker
Clare Boothe Luce Fellows: Liz Livingston and Jessica Conrad
WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) University of Michigan
Panel discussion on navigating scientific careers