Presented By: Population Studies Center
PSC Brownbag Series: Discordance in chromosomal and self-reported sex in the UK Biobank: Implications for transgender- and intersex-inclusive data collection
Kate Duchowny, University of Michigan

The PSC Brown Bag Series runs live and on Zoom this year, Mondays from noon to 1.
Social epidemiologist Kate Duchowny (University of Michigan, SRC) presents this brown bag seminar:
"Discordance in chromosomal and self-reported sex in the UK Biobank: Implications for transgender- and intersex-inclusive data collection"
Despite recent calls to distinguish between sex and gender, these constructs are often assessed in isolation or are used interchangeably. In this talk, she will present data that quantifies the disagreement between chromosomal and self-reported sex and identifies potential reasons for discordance using data from the UK Biobank. She and coauthors show that among approximately 200 individuals with sex discordance, 71% of discordances were explained by intersex traits or transgender identity. These findings imply that health and clinical researchers have a unique opportunity to advance the rigor of scientific research as well as the health and well-being of transgender, intersex, and nonbinary people, who have long been excluded from and overlooked in clinical and survey research.
Kate Duchowny (she/her) is a Research Assistant Professor in the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. As a social epidemiologist, her research focuses on the measurement, determinants, and consequences of compromised muscle health among older adults. Her overarching research goal seeks to inform interventions by bridging the social, environmental, and biological determinants of musculoskeletal health and physical functioning across the life course. She is particularly interested in identifying novel biomarkers that aid in our understanding of how social experiences become biologically embedded to produce and exacerbate health inequities.
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Social epidemiologist Kate Duchowny (University of Michigan, SRC) presents this brown bag seminar:
"Discordance in chromosomal and self-reported sex in the UK Biobank: Implications for transgender- and intersex-inclusive data collection"
Despite recent calls to distinguish between sex and gender, these constructs are often assessed in isolation or are used interchangeably. In this talk, she will present data that quantifies the disagreement between chromosomal and self-reported sex and identifies potential reasons for discordance using data from the UK Biobank. She and coauthors show that among approximately 200 individuals with sex discordance, 71% of discordances were explained by intersex traits or transgender identity. These findings imply that health and clinical researchers have a unique opportunity to advance the rigor of scientific research as well as the health and well-being of transgender, intersex, and nonbinary people, who have long been excluded from and overlooked in clinical and survey research.
Kate Duchowny (she/her) is a Research Assistant Professor in the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. As a social epidemiologist, her research focuses on the measurement, determinants, and consequences of compromised muscle health among older adults. Her overarching research goal seeks to inform interventions by bridging the social, environmental, and biological determinants of musculoskeletal health and physical functioning across the life course. She is particularly interested in identifying novel biomarkers that aid in our understanding of how social experiences become biologically embedded to produce and exacerbate health inequities.
Join us in person at ISR (Thompson Street) Room 1430.
Or online: Join Zoom Meeting
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+1 647 558 0588 Canada
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Meeting ID: 954 1861 0585
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