Presented By: Maize Pages Student Organizations
Swing Ann Arbor: Tricks & Treats Dance Weekend

WHAT: Swing Ann Arbor and Friday Night Swing are partnering to bring world-renowned instructors Kate Hedin and David Rehm to Ann Arbor to teach a two-day workshop on SoCal Lindy Hop and Balboa!This workshop weekend will also include a Saturday night Halloween Dance with live music from the Easy Street Jazz Band, a costume contest, and a mix-and-match competition.It is recommended that dancers attending the Saturday So Cal Lindy workshops be at an intermediate dance level or above and be familiar with swingouts. The Sunday Balboa workshops are open to anyone at or above a beginner Balboa level. WHEN: October 28th + 29th, 2023WHERE: Concourse Hall, Ann ArborINSTRUCTORS: Kate Hedin and David RehmCOVID PROTOCOL: Masks welcome, Covid vaccination suggested SCHEDULE:Saturday
11am-1pm: So Cal Lindy Session I
1pm-2pm: Lunch
2pm-4pm: So Cal Lindy Session II
Dinner Break: 4pm-7pm
Mix + Match Prelims: 7-8pm
Social Dance: 8pm- midnight
Costume Contest: 9-9:30pm
Mix + Match Finals: 10:30pm-11:00pmSunday
1-5pm: Balboa
1:00-2:45 pm: Balboa Session I
2:45-3:15 pm: Break
3:15-5:00 pm: Balboa Session II
-Whole Weekend Pass, General Admission: $80
-Whole Weekend Pass, Student or SAA/AACTMAD Member: $70
-Just the Saturday workshop, General Admission: $40
-Just the Saturday workshop, Student or SAA/AACTMAD Member: $35
-Just the Saturday Dance, General Admission: $25
-Just the Saturday Dance, Student or SAA/AACTMAD Member: $20
-Just the Sunday workshop, General Admission: $40
-Just the Sunday workshop, Student or SAA/AACTMAD Member: $35
-Mix & Match Competition: $5 REGISTRATION: VOLUNTEER WITH US!
Pssst: if you volunteer, you can save money! For each hour you volunteer, you get $5 off your admission. (Volunteers will be reimbursed after the weekend.) Sign up to volunteer in the registration form and we'll be in touch! MIX & MATCH COMPETITION: This comp will be Lindy Hop-focused. $5 entry. Prelims on Saturday, October 28th, from 7-8pm and finals from 10:30-11pm.
Winners will have the option of receiving a free pass to Dayton Swing Smackdown 2024, a free pass to KissMe in Ann Arbor 2024, or a free pass to our Winter Dance this December. COSTUME CONTEST: Show us your best! Winners will have the option of receiving a 4-week pass to one of SAA's progressive lesson series, free entry coupons to SAA or FNS, or candy.
11am-1pm: So Cal Lindy Session I
1pm-2pm: Lunch
2pm-4pm: So Cal Lindy Session II
Dinner Break: 4pm-7pm
Mix + Match Prelims: 7-8pm
Social Dance: 8pm- midnight
Costume Contest: 9-9:30pm
Mix + Match Finals: 10:30pm-11:00pmSunday
1-5pm: Balboa
1:00-2:45 pm: Balboa Session I
2:45-3:15 pm: Break
3:15-5:00 pm: Balboa Session II
-Whole Weekend Pass, General Admission: $80
-Whole Weekend Pass, Student or SAA/AACTMAD Member: $70
-Just the Saturday workshop, General Admission: $40
-Just the Saturday workshop, Student or SAA/AACTMAD Member: $35
-Just the Saturday Dance, General Admission: $25
-Just the Saturday Dance, Student or SAA/AACTMAD Member: $20
-Just the Sunday workshop, General Admission: $40
-Just the Sunday workshop, Student or SAA/AACTMAD Member: $35
-Mix & Match Competition: $5 REGISTRATION: VOLUNTEER WITH US!
Pssst: if you volunteer, you can save money! For each hour you volunteer, you get $5 off your admission. (Volunteers will be reimbursed after the weekend.) Sign up to volunteer in the registration form and we'll be in touch! MIX & MATCH COMPETITION: This comp will be Lindy Hop-focused. $5 entry. Prelims on Saturday, October 28th, from 7-8pm and finals from 10:30-11pm.
Winners will have the option of receiving a free pass to Dayton Swing Smackdown 2024, a free pass to KissMe in Ann Arbor 2024, or a free pass to our Winter Dance this December. COSTUME CONTEST: Show us your best! Winners will have the option of receiving a 4-week pass to one of SAA's progressive lesson series, free entry coupons to SAA or FNS, or candy.