"Presented by the Institute for the Humanities, Rackham Graduate School, and the University Career Center, this series of events is intended to support humanities graduate students from across fields in exploring and preparing for the diverse career paths available to them. Students may attend events individually, but may find it especially helpful to attend each in progression.
About today's workshop:
Led by Derek Attigand Mearah Quinn-Brauner, the Humanities Mindsets workshop invites participants to experiment with using humanistic modes of thinking in conversations about jobs and careers. The workshop adapts a form used in many career workshops: having participants reflect on their experiences and the experiences of their peers using shared terms. But instead of an unfamiliar (and potentially alienating) vocabulary of “skills” or “values,” weguide participants in using theoretical frameworks from the humanities toanalyze those experiences. Our hope is that the workshop helps humanists see their working lives as worthy of deep, critical, and playful intellectual engagement—and equips them to help one another to make stronger and more confident career decisions.
About the presenters:
Derek Attig is the assistant dean for career & professional development at the University of Illinois. Mearah Quinn-Brauner is the senior director for strategy and policy at Northwestern University."
About today's workshop:
Led by Derek Attigand Mearah Quinn-Brauner, the Humanities Mindsets workshop invites participants to experiment with using humanistic modes of thinking in conversations about jobs and careers. The workshop adapts a form used in many career workshops: having participants reflect on their experiences and the experiences of their peers using shared terms. But instead of an unfamiliar (and potentially alienating) vocabulary of “skills” or “values,” weguide participants in using theoretical frameworks from the humanities toanalyze those experiences. Our hope is that the workshop helps humanists see their working lives as worthy of deep, critical, and playful intellectual engagement—and equips them to help one another to make stronger and more confident career decisions.
About the presenters:
Derek Attig is the assistant dean for career & professional development at the University of Illinois. Mearah Quinn-Brauner is the senior director for strategy and policy at Northwestern University."
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