Presented By: Wolverine Soft
"The Entire History of Video Games" (6-Hour Documentary Viewing)

Join EECS 494, EECS 498.003, and IGDA Ann Arbor for a 6-hour, in-person viewing session of The Entire History of Video Games, an incredible documentary by game historian and essayist NeverKnowsBest. Everyone, from students to community members, is welcome.
We will begin promptly at 11am EST in the STAMPS Auditorium (Wallgreen Drama Center).
We will take one break for lunch at 2pm EST. Nearby venues include Panda Express, Ahmos, etc.
We will begin promptly at 11am EST in the STAMPS Auditorium (Wallgreen Drama Center).
We will take one break for lunch at 2pm EST. Nearby venues include Panda Express, Ahmos, etc.