Presented By: Maize Pages Student Organizations
Swing Ann Arbor: Taster Series

Swing Ann Arbor is offering a 4-week Taster Series next month! This series will introduce you to a different type of swing dance each week. Continue reading for each week’s topic! 11/2/23: ST. LOUIS SHAGSt. Louis Shag is an African American Partnered Jazz dance that has been alive in St. Louis MO since the 1930’s. Kendra and Casey will be covering the basic shapes and style of the dance to get you shagging faster than you can say “In St. Louis, they just call it Shag!” Instructors: Casey McCoy and Kendra Wade 11/9/23: COLLEGIATE SHAGSometimes the music is too fast for Lindy Hop, too bouncy for Balboa, or not chunky enough for Charleston. Collegiate Shag is your secret weapon! Challenge yourself with new footwork & stylized shapes while you get your cardio in.Instructors: Emily Topham + Angel Jenio 11/16/23: 20s CHARLESTONTry your hand at the grandparent of the swing family! A simple ballroom hold and step-touch footwork will soon have you ready to try fun stylings with your partner.Instructors: Emily Topham + Angel Jenio Note: there is no class the week of November 20th due to Thanksgiving 11/30/23: SLOW JAZZLearn how to partner dance to slow music from the Swing Era! In this class we’ll teach you about the history of some slow dances from the 1930s and 1940s, get you comfortable moving with a partner in close embrace to slow jazz music, and provide you with some dance vocabulary to make the dance interesting. A great way to impress your friends and family at formal dances & weddings! Instructors: Emily Topham + Max Okros WHERE: Mason Hall Room 1401, University of Michigan, Ann ArborPRICING:General Admission 4-Week Pass to all four classes: $40SAA Member 4-Week Pass to all four classes: $30Individual Class: $12Acceptable forms of payment: cash, check, or PayPal REGISTRATION: Please register in advance by filling out this short form: