We provide programming and space for events that help students develop, understand, and demonstrate an ability to shift cultural perspective and adapt behavior to effectively navigate cultural similarity and difference based in race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, class and other human differences.
Come and join us! Every Tuesday, we have CommuniTea. Launched this year, CommuniTEA is a weekly tea gathering for students, staff and faculty to build community and share information about what they are experiencing during the week. Organizations and units are encouraged to collaborate and offer light refreshments or share tea practices that center their cultural practices.
Come and join us! Every Tuesday, we have CommuniTea. Launched this year, CommuniTEA is a weekly tea gathering for students, staff and faculty to build community and share information about what they are experiencing during the week. Organizations and units are encouraged to collaborate and offer light refreshments or share tea practices that center their cultural practices.
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