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Presented By: Department of Statistics

Department Seminar Seminar Series: Lili Zheng, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University

"Uncertainty Quantification for Structure Learning and Interpretable Machine Learning"

Lili Zheng Lili Zheng
Lili Zheng
Abstract: The reliability of machine learning in scientific discoveries and decision-making hinges on the critical role of uncertainty quantification (UQ). In this talk, I will discuss UQ in two challenging scenarios motivated by scientific and societal applications: selective inference for large-scale graph learning and UQ for model-agnostic machine learning interpretations. Specifically, the first part concerns graphical model inference when only irregular, patchwise observations are available, a common setting in neuroscience, healthcare, genomics, and econometrics. To filter out low-confidence edges due to the irregular measurements, I will present a novel inference method that quantifies the uneven edgewise uncertainty levels over the graph as well as an FDR control procedure; this is achieved by carefully disentangling the dependencies across the graph and consequently yields more reliable graph selection. In the second part, I will discuss the computational and statistical challenges associated with UQ for feature importance of any machine learning model. I will take inspiration from recent advances in conformal inference and utilize an ensemble framework to address these challenges. This leads to an almost computationally free, assumption-light, and statistically powerful inference approach for occlusion-based feature importance. For both parts of the talk, I will highlight the potential applications of my research in science and society as well as how it contributes to more reliable and trustworthy data science.
Lili Zheng Lili Zheng
Lili Zheng

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