Title: Neural, Performance and Trait Mechanisms of and Predictors in Mood Disorders
Abstract: This talk will provide an overview of our work in rumination, trauma, and executive functioning in mood disorders. There will be a specific focus on putative mechanisms leading to risk for mood disorders, exacerbation of or poor treatment response in mood disorders, and predictors of treatment response and course in mood disorders. The work includes samples from early adulthood, adolescence, and late childhood.
*Light refreshments will be served.
*Please take the Church St. elevator to the 4th floor.
Abstract: This talk will provide an overview of our work in rumination, trauma, and executive functioning in mood disorders. There will be a specific focus on putative mechanisms leading to risk for mood disorders, exacerbation of or poor treatment response in mood disorders, and predictors of treatment response and course in mood disorders. The work includes samples from early adulthood, adolescence, and late childhood.
*Light refreshments will be served.
*Please take the Church St. elevator to the 4th floor.
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