Presented By: Population Studies Center
PSC Brownbag Series: A New Window on Human Fecundity: Converting Digital Exhaust into Demographic Parameters
Jenna Nobles

The PSC Brown Bag Series runs live and on Zoom this year, Mondays from noon to 1.
Speaker: Jenna Nobles
Seminar Date: 4/01/24
A New Window on Human Fecundity: Converting Digital Exhaust into Demographic Parameters
Pregnancy loss is a primary limit on human reproduction and a key driver of population dynamics. It shapes the composition of families and communities. It is also very difficult to observe. By combining data from menstrual and pregnancy tracking "apps" with administrative data and original survey data, we demonstrate that U.S. pregnancy loss is both common and socially patterned. Understanding this process is of broad interest; it is essential to answering a number of central questions in the social sciences. To advance the integration of the prenatal period into social science research, we construct model prenatal life tables that span the full length of gestation and are indexed by levels of infant mortality. With this approach, we extend a long history of demographic research on cohort selection to the period before birth.
Jenna Nobles is professor of sociology and population health sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She studies the implications of migration systems for sending and receiving communities, the causes and consequences of population variation in fertility and fecundity, and the effects of environmental change on population processes. At UW-Madison, she is the director of the Center for Demography & Ecology and the training director of the Collaborative for Reproductive Equity. Nobles currently serves on the NIH stillbirth taskforce and the National Academies' committee on population.
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Meeting ID: 954 1861
Speaker: Jenna Nobles
Seminar Date: 4/01/24
A New Window on Human Fecundity: Converting Digital Exhaust into Demographic Parameters
Pregnancy loss is a primary limit on human reproduction and a key driver of population dynamics. It shapes the composition of families and communities. It is also very difficult to observe. By combining data from menstrual and pregnancy tracking "apps" with administrative data and original survey data, we demonstrate that U.S. pregnancy loss is both common and socially patterned. Understanding this process is of broad interest; it is essential to answering a number of central questions in the social sciences. To advance the integration of the prenatal period into social science research, we construct model prenatal life tables that span the full length of gestation and are indexed by levels of infant mortality. With this approach, we extend a long history of demographic research on cohort selection to the period before birth.
Jenna Nobles is professor of sociology and population health sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She studies the implications of migration systems for sending and receiving communities, the causes and consequences of population variation in fertility and fecundity, and the effects of environmental change on population processes. At UW-Madison, she is the director of the Center for Demography & Ecology and the training director of the Collaborative for Reproductive Equity. Nobles currently serves on the NIH stillbirth taskforce and the National Academies' committee on population.
Join us in person at ISR (Thompson Street) Room 1430.
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Meeting ID: 954 1861
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