Presented By: Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine (CBSSM)
LGBTQ+ Parents' Experiences Accessing Health Care for their Children with Developmental Disabilities
Emilee Coulter-Thompson, DrPH, LMSW

For children of LGBTQ parents, anti-LGBTQ bias and discrimination in health systems may delay the early identification of developmental disabilities and interfere with obtaining timely, culturally-effective intervention, which optimizes children’s health outcomes and reduces avoidable health care costs. Early identification of disabilities is important for improving outcomes because children’s brains develop rapidly, and early childhood is the optimal treatment window. Due to a paucity of research and patient data on sexual orientation and gender identity, the impact of bias and discrimination on children’s screening and diagnosis of disabilities in LGBTQ-parent families has been largely unknown.
Dr. Coulter-Thompson will present results of a national study on the impact of health care bias and discrimination on LGBTQ parents and their children with disabilities in the U.S. An online survey of LGBTQ parents (n=37) of children with disabilities and interviews with a subset of parents (n=16) measured these aims: 1) identify LGBTQ parents’ experiences of bias and discrimination when accessing care for their children; 2) explore parents’ perceptions of how bias and discrimination affected their children’s screening and diagnosis; 3) identify parents’ recommendations for improving care; and 4) develop a plan for change.
This study provides evidence that some LGBTQ parents felt they had experienced bias and discrimination when accessing care for their children with disabilities. This Zoom webinar session will share parents’ recommendations for improving care and advancing health equity for LGBTQ+ families.
Dr. Coulter-Thompson will present results of a national study on the impact of health care bias and discrimination on LGBTQ parents and their children with disabilities in the U.S. An online survey of LGBTQ parents (n=37) of children with disabilities and interviews with a subset of parents (n=16) measured these aims: 1) identify LGBTQ parents’ experiences of bias and discrimination when accessing care for their children; 2) explore parents’ perceptions of how bias and discrimination affected their children’s screening and diagnosis; 3) identify parents’ recommendations for improving care; and 4) develop a plan for change.
This study provides evidence that some LGBTQ parents felt they had experienced bias and discrimination when accessing care for their children with disabilities. This Zoom webinar session will share parents’ recommendations for improving care and advancing health equity for LGBTQ+ families.
Livestream Information
ZoomApril 24, 2024 (Wednesday) 12:00pm
Meeting ID: 98619182454
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