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Presented By: Michigan Institute for Data and AI in Society

2024 Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA) Annual Conference

ADSA annual meeting poster ADSA annual meeting poster
ADSA annual meeting poster
Announcing the Call for Session Proposals!

This year's Annual Meeting theme is: Data Science and AI - Keeping Humans in the Loop

Data has become the essential building block for research and insight in nearly all fields. The next wave of emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), is fueled by the unprecedented amount and variety of available data. Data and data-enabled technologies promise to reshape research and discovery, as well as how we live and how society functions. ADSA’24, hosted by the Michigan Institute for Data Science, will draw our focus to humanity in data and AI - humans as data producers and data engineers, humans as AI designers and developers, humans represented in data, and humans as data and AI users and as the beneficiaries or victims of data and AI. We will explore the central role of humans in the data and AI revolution: to maximize its benefits for research and innovation; to ensure that the use of data and technologies and the insights they generate are aligned with our values and priorities; and to ensure that the future workforce are prepared to continue discovery and innovation.
ADSA annual meeting poster ADSA annual meeting poster
ADSA annual meeting poster

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