Presented By: Industrial & Operations Engineering
Collegiate Professorship Ceremony for Julie Simmons Ivy
"IOE is My Superpower: Transforming Data, Enabling Smarter Decision Making, Making a Better World"

The College of Engineering will honor Professor Julie Simmons Ivy for her appointment as the Vivian L. Carpenter. Professor of Engineering.
Please join Professor Ivy and Karen A. Thole, the Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering, for the lecture titled "IOE is My Superpower: Transforming Data, Enabling Smarter Decision Making, Making a Better World." The lecture will be followed by a ceremony with light hors d'oeuvres.
Please join Professor Ivy and Karen A. Thole, the Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering, for the lecture titled "IOE is My Superpower: Transforming Data, Enabling Smarter Decision Making, Making a Better World." The lecture will be followed by a ceremony with light hors d'oeuvres.