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Presented By: Industrial & Operations Engineering

IOE 899: Interpreting Black-Box Supervised Learning Models Via Accumulated Local Effects

Daniel Apley with Northwestern University

Portrait of Daniel Apley Portrait of Daniel Apley
Portrait of Daniel Apley
About the speaker: Dan Apley is a Professor of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences at
Northwestern University. His research and teaching interests are at the interface of engineering
modeling, statistical analysis, and predictive analytics, with particular emphasis on improving
operations of complex manufacturing and other enterprise systems. He received the NSF
CAREER award, the IIE Transactions Best Paper Award, the Technometrics Wilcoxon Prize,
and the Journal of Quality Technology Lloyd S. Nelson award. He has served as Editor-in-Chief
of Technometrics and of the Journal of Quality Technology. He is a Fellow of the American
Statistical Association and served as Chair of the Quality, Statistics & Reliability Section of
INFORMS and Director of the Manufacturing and Design Engineering Program at Northwestern.

Abstract: For many supervised learning applications, understanding and visualizing the effects
of the predictor variables on the predicted response is of paramount importance. A shortcoming
of black-box supervised learning models (e.g., complex trees, neural networks, boosted trees,
random forests, nearest neighbors, local kernel-weighted methods, support vector regression,
etc.) in this regard is their lack of interpretability or transparency. Partial dependence (PD) plots,
which are the most popular general approach for visualizing the effects of the predictors with
black box supervised learning models, can produce erroneous results if the predictors are
strongly correlated, because they require extrapolation of the response at predictor values that are
far outside the multivariate envelope of the training data. Functional ANOVA for correlated
inputs can avoid this extrapolation but involves prohibitive computational expense and
subjective choice of additive surrogate model to fit to the supervised learning model. We present
a new visualization approach that we term accumulated local effects (ALE) plots, which have a
number of advantages over existing methods. First, ALE plots do not require unreliable
extrapolation with correlated predictors. Second, they are orders of magnitude less
computationally expensive than PD plots, and many orders of magnitude less expensive than
functional ANOVA. Third, they yield convenient variable importance/sensitivity measures that
possess a number of desirable properties for quantifying the impact of each predictor.
Portrait of Daniel Apley Portrait of Daniel Apley
Portrait of Daniel Apley

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