Presented By: HEP - Astro Seminars
HEP-Astro Seminar | A Quantum Computer as an Axion Dark Matter Detector
Aaron Chou (Fermilab and University of Chicago)
The QCD axion model solves the longest standing problem in fundamental physics – the vanishing of the neutron electric dipole moment – while also providing a cosmological origin story for dark matter. While present axion dark matter search experiments are limited by quantum zero point noise, new single microwave photon receivers based on superconducting qubits provide orders of magnitude noise reduction below the standard quantum limit. Using advanced quantum information processing techniques currently in development, next generation experiments will be the first to deploy a rudimentary quantum computer as the front end for the readout electronics. Combined with recent advances in magnetic field-compatible microwave cavities, these experiments will finally reach sensitivity to the predicted axion photon couplings over a decade in mass in the 10-100 micro-eV range.
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