Presented By: Engineering Education Research
Developing Educational Interventions Addressing the “Messiness” of Engineering
Aaron W. Johnson / University of Michigan

Abstract: Engineering textbooks have problems, and those problems have problems. While they may be complex and time-consuming, textbook problems are “tidy” in that they are well-defined, closed-ended, and decontextualized. In contrast, the practice of engineering is “messy.” The design process is ill-defined, modeling and analysis are open-ended, and the engineered systems affect and are affected by society in positive and negative ways. In this talk I frame the messiness of engineering as an important part of the conversation about DEI in engineering. By exposing students to the messiness of engineering throughout their undergraduate education, instructors can better prepare students for their careers; help students to reflect upon their views and biases; and present engineering as socially constructed, instead of inherently upholding a white supremacist culture. I will then present the SHUTTLE Lab’s design-based research approach to putting some of this messiness back into engineering science courses. Specifically, I will describe our work addressing the messiness of mathematical modeling. We are focused on the professional skill of engineering judgment, and are simultaneously creating open-ended modeling problems, studying emerging engineering modeling judgment, and training faculty to notice and respond to their students’ displays of engineering judgment.
Bio: Aaron W. Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering and a Core Faculty member in Engineering Education Research at the University of Michigan. His design-based research focuses on how to re-contextualize engineering science engineering courses to better reflect and prepare students for the reality of ill-defined, sociotechnical engineering practice. Aaron holds a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Michigan and a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was an instructor in Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. Outside of work, Aaron enjoys collecting LEGO NASA sets, camping, and playing disc golf.
Bio: Aaron W. Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering and a Core Faculty member in Engineering Education Research at the University of Michigan. His design-based research focuses on how to re-contextualize engineering science engineering courses to better reflect and prepare students for the reality of ill-defined, sociotechnical engineering practice. Aaron holds a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Michigan and a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was an instructor in Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. Outside of work, Aaron enjoys collecting LEGO NASA sets, camping, and playing disc golf.
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