Interested in learning more about Teach For America and jump-starting a purpose-driven career? Join us for an upcoming informational session where you'll discover who we are, what we do, and how our programs work. The first 30 minutes will address the most common questions we receive: 1. What is Teach For America? 2. What and where will I teach? 3. What will my salary and finances look like? 4. Howdoes teacher certification work? 5. How will I be trained and supported? Our remaining time will be spent in open Q&A, at whichpoint you can get your specific questions answered. We will also be sending follow-up resources ahead of our application deadline on February 3rd. We hope to see you there!*This session will focus on the Corps Member opportunity. We are now accepting applications for a Summer 2025 training start date for college seniors, grad students, and professionals.