Your Well-Being as a Graduate Student Matters
Join us at the virtual launch party of GradWell, a podcast on well-being for graduate students at the University of Michigan!
We’ll be featuring a panel where representatives from the Well-Being Collective will break down the eight different dimensions of well-being for us so that we can fully understand all the ways our well-being is affected as grad students.
As graduate students, we don’t always get the chance to focus on our well-being. Give yourself this opportunity to learn more ways to enhance your life.
Join us at the virtual launch party of GradWell, a podcast on well-being for graduate students at the University of Michigan!
We’ll be featuring a panel where representatives from the Well-Being Collective will break down the eight different dimensions of well-being for us so that we can fully understand all the ways our well-being is affected as grad students.
As graduate students, we don’t always get the chance to focus on our well-being. Give yourself this opportunity to learn more ways to enhance your life.
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