Presented By: Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO)
Norman Finkelstein Lecture: Free Gaza, Free Speech

Upon entry into Rackham Auditorium, all ticket holders will be required to pass through magnetometers, or mags, and be subjected to a search. Please leave all prohibited items at home to allow for easier ingress into the venue.
• All bags (including purses)
• Aerosol and Spray Cans
• Containers of any kind (including coolers, thermoses, cups, bottles, cans, flasks)
• Animals (except service animals for persons with a disability)
• Flags
• Flags with Flagpoles
• Signs
• Signs with Sticks
• Food of any kind
• Alcoholic Beverages
• Apparel or signage displaying profane or abusive language
• Cameras with a lens longer than 6 inches
• Noisemakers (including but not limited to whistles, air horns, boom boxes, bull horns, kazoos, sirens, thunder sticks, vuvuzelas, etc.)
• Strollers
• Video Camera, tripods and selfie sticks
• Weapons
• Lighted cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other smoking devices
• Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), such as vapes, e-cigarettes, and hookah pens
• Non-combustible tobacco products, such as snuff, chew, and snus
• All bags (including purses)
• Aerosol and Spray Cans
• Containers of any kind (including coolers, thermoses, cups, bottles, cans, flasks)
• Animals (except service animals for persons with a disability)
• Flags
• Flags with Flagpoles
• Signs
• Signs with Sticks
• Food of any kind
• Alcoholic Beverages
• Apparel or signage displaying profane or abusive language
• Cameras with a lens longer than 6 inches
• Noisemakers (including but not limited to whistles, air horns, boom boxes, bull horns, kazoos, sirens, thunder sticks, vuvuzelas, etc.)
• Strollers
• Video Camera, tripods and selfie sticks
• Weapons
• Lighted cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other smoking devices
• Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), such as vapes, e-cigarettes, and hookah pens
• Non-combustible tobacco products, such as snuff, chew, and snus