Presented By: University Career Center
Data & Research Methods Project: Office Hours
All students are invited to join this free and open data science research project which can be used to supplement your digital research portfolio! On Friday, February 28th, we will meet for our nextopen Office Hours session to troubleshoot participant projects. Register and learn more: The Data & Research Methods project is perfect for beginners who have never worked with a dataset before. This project will also be helpful for advanced data science students who have little experience working with data cleaning or survey building, desk research, or data visualizations. The focus of this project is the research process as a whole.It is the first day of your new job as the Junior Data Scientist for the Office of the Mayor in the fictional town of Data Lake, West Dakota. The population of Data Lake (314,159) has grown rapidly since 2020 as a number of remote workers have relocated to the mid-size city. Mayor “Tess Ellation” hastasked your office with a project – to learn more about the specific needs of the town’s new remote work population. She asks you to review data on remote workers provided by the U.S. Census Bureau and come back to her with at least two data-driven policy recommendations which will support these new Data Lake families (for example, a policy recommendationmight be: build new coworking spaces downtown). Your policy recommendations must be informed by data analysis or Mayor Ellation will not adopt them. Participants will clean a dataset, learn about the ethics of data science research, do some preliminary analysis, and develop a workinghypothesis about the impact of remote work policies. You'll build some simple data visualizations, test your hypotheses, write up a short conclusion, and prepare a final report for Mayor Ellation. There are 9 Milestones in this project. There are several Tasks you need to complete within each Milestone. This project should take you no more than 30 hours tofinish. Depending on your skill level, it may take you less time.In this project, you will learn using a combination of videos, articles, and external data work in spreadsheets. Our team has provided you with several external links and resources which will supplement your learning.Project participants who complete Milestones 1-9 in accordance with these instructions will receive a Certificate of Completion from the NSDC Project Team.