Presented By: Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Promoting Civic Discourse - Democratic and Republican politicians on bridging the political divide
Presented with the Year of Democracy, Civic Empowerment & Global Engagement

Former Michigan State Senators Tonya Schuitmaker and Rebekah Warren are the leads at Michiganders for Civic Resilience (MCR), which is dedicated to fostering a vibrant democracy founded on trust, dialogue, and accountability. Its mission is "to bridge the divides of political polarization, restore civil discourse, and uphold the integrity of U.S. elections."
The politicians from across the aisle will discuss cross-partisan collaboration and how it can play a vital role in promoting unity, understanding, and constructive dialogue, ultimately benefiting the public by facilitating more inclusive and effective governance. The discussion also will include former chairs of the state Republican and Democratic parties, Rusty Hills and Mark Brewer, respectively.
The politicians from across the aisle will discuss cross-partisan collaboration and how it can play a vital role in promoting unity, understanding, and constructive dialogue, ultimately benefiting the public by facilitating more inclusive and effective governance. The discussion also will include former chairs of the state Republican and Democratic parties, Rusty Hills and Mark Brewer, respectively.