Presented By: CSCAR Workshops
Applied Survival Analysis: Event History Analysis, Reliability Analysis
This workshop, held over two days, covers basic concepts of and common analytical approaches for time-to-event data, known variously as survival analysis (in biological and medical sciences), event history analysis (in social sciences), or reliability analysis (in engineering).
The workshop will be held in a computer lab and the methods will be illustrated with hands-on exercises.
Exercises and examples will use SAS, R, SPSS, and/or Stata as necessary. This workshop covers:
Basic concepts associated with the analysis of censored data (survival function, hazard function)
Methods for estimating the survival function (Kaplan-Meier, Nelson-Aalen, and life-table analysis)
Two-sample tests with censored data (log-rank and Wilcoxon tests)
Regression analysis with censored data (Cox proportional hazards, Weibull, Aalen additive hazards), including time varying covariates, correlated data, and stratified Cox models
Discrete models for censored data (logistic regression, Poisson regression)
The workshop will be held in a computer lab and the methods will be illustrated with hands-on exercises.
Exercises and examples will use SAS, R, SPSS, and/or Stata as necessary. This workshop covers:
Basic concepts associated with the analysis of censored data (survival function, hazard function)
Methods for estimating the survival function (Kaplan-Meier, Nelson-Aalen, and life-table analysis)
Two-sample tests with censored data (log-rank and Wilcoxon tests)
Regression analysis with censored data (Cox proportional hazards, Weibull, Aalen additive hazards), including time varying covariates, correlated data, and stratified Cox models
Discrete models for censored data (logistic regression, Poisson regression)
- UM Affiliates $347, others $788