Like many artists before her, Priscilla Ahn went to the desert seeking transformation. After several albums with a team who'd paired her with co-writers not quite her style, she had begun to doubt her own ability to express her true self in song. She went to the desert as a dare–to see what songs still lived in her, to prove just what kind of record she could make on her own. "I had to book a trip out to the desert and spend time by myself with a guitar and a keyboard. No pressure, no guidelines, no ”˜we need you to write this kind of song.’ It was so liberating," Priscilla explains. "It was scary at first--I wondered if I could even write songs anymore." She took off from L.A. and holed up in a hotel room outside Palm Springs (a 1920's getaway for Hollywood stars) to apply herself to her craft. The songs came immediately, sometimes fully formed. Within the week she had an album–"This Is Where We Are," her first in three years. The lyrics are deeper and much more personal with Priscilla evidencing herself as a woman confident in her power and sexuality on tracks like the devotional "Home" and big-beat album opener "Diana," which was inspired by the myth of the goddess Artemis. "That definitely a part of who I am that I’ve never had the courage–I’ve always been afraid to show sexuality for fear that it would be taken the wrong way." Though Priscilla has a gorgeous album to show from her time in desert, ultimately the experience birthed her into her truest self as a songwriter and an artist. "It was liberating–the haze that was over me was lifted. My confidence was regained, again," she says.