Inspired by “Gulliver’s Travels,” the fantasy-adventure Castle in the Sky (1986) was Hayao Miyazaki‘s third feature, and helped to establish his reputation as a visionary in both Japan and America. The orphan Sheeta inherited a mysterious crystal that links her to the legendary sky-kingdom of Laputa. With the help of resourceful Pazu and a rollicking band of sky pirates, she makes her way to the ruins of the once-great civilization. Sheeta and Pazu must outwit the evil Muska, who plans to use Laputa’s science to make himself ruler of the world. Castle echoes elements in Myazaki’s earlier Nausicaä, and anticipates imagery in his later films, from My Neighbor Totoro to Spirited Away. The exciting flying sequences, appealing characters, and fantastic vision of a steam-powered future Jules Verne might have imagined make Castle in the Sky a must-have for fans of Japanese and Western animation.
This Fall, in partnership with The State Theatre, CJS celebrates some of the greatest and most influential films of all time from the legendary Japanese animation team at Studio Ghibli.
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki.
1986. 124 minutes. Rated PG. Japanese with English subtitles.
This Fall, in partnership with The State Theatre, CJS celebrates some of the greatest and most influential films of all time from the legendary Japanese animation team at Studio Ghibli.
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki.
1986. 124 minutes. Rated PG. Japanese with English subtitles.
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