Discover KiKi’s Delivery Service, a fantastic coming-of-age tale full of magic, adventure and self-discovery from the sensational imagination of Oscar-winning director Hayao Miyazaki. Kiki is an enterprising young girl who must follow tradition to become a full-fledged witch. Venturing out with only her black cat, Jiji, Kiki flies off for the adventure of a lifetime. Landing in a far-off city, she sets up a high-flying delivery service and begins a wonderful experience of independence and responsibility as she finds her place in the world.
This Fall, in partnership with The State Theatre, CJS celebrates some of the greatest and most influential films of all time from the legendary Japanese animation team at Studio Ghibli.
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
1989. 102 minutes. Rated G
This Fall, in partnership with The State Theatre, CJS celebrates some of the greatest and most influential films of all time from the legendary Japanese animation team at Studio Ghibli.
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
1989. 102 minutes. Rated G
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