It has always seemed as if there were two Cheryl Wheelers, with fans of the New England songwriter relishing watching the two tussle for control of the mic. There is poet Cheryl, writer of some of the prettiest, most alluring and intelligent ballads on the modern folk scene. And there is her evil twin, comic Cheryl, a militant trend defier and savagely funny social critic. The result is a series of delightful contrasts, for really Cheryl Wheeler is a woman of many musical personalities—heart-wrenching romantic balladeer, marvelous observational humorist, poet of ordinary New England scenes and people, committed activist, irascible grump. Come by and pick up a copy of Cheryl's latest, "Cheryl Wheeler Live," featuring Ark favorite Kenny White and such hits-to-be as "Lady Gaga's Singing Program."
- General Admission: $25, Reserved: $32
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