Léim Irish Dance proudly presents their annual show, The Dance of the Celts. You are guaranteed to see people kicking really high, dubstep, feet that move so fast they defy the laws of physics, people falling off of cliffs (or at least music that accompanies it!), matchy couple outfits, shiny lights, and minimal arm movement-- naturally, a hit! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!Léim Irish Dance is a University of Michigan organization that is student run, produced, and performed. We are a mixture of former Irish dance competitors, members who come from other dance backgrounds, and complete newbies! We have taken joy in sharing the rich culture of Irish music and dance with the greater Ann Arbor community since 2000.This year's show will take place in the Mendelssohn Theater in the Second Floor of the Michigan League. Doors will open at 7 pm and the show will begin around 7:30 pm.
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- Student Organization: Leim Irish Dance
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