Join the RC LGBTQIA+ and Sex Forums as they collaborate to put on a queer sex education workshop open to all university students and community members. For members of RC Forums, this event will count as an interforum event and can be used to fulfill the credit requirement.
In an hour and a half we will attempt to provide a space for instruction and discussion on a sexual education that was not given to use in school. Topics covered will include general anatomy and STI information, non-normative forms of contraception, safe sex toys, healthy hook ups, kinks, and much much more! We will also be taking anonymous questions from the audience to help inform the content.
In an hour and a half we will attempt to provide a space for instruction and discussion on a sexual education that was not given to use in school. Topics covered will include general anatomy and STI information, non-normative forms of contraception, safe sex toys, healthy hook ups, kinks, and much much more! We will also be taking anonymous questions from the audience to help inform the content.
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