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Presented By: LSA Honors Program

Seeking Student Speakers for Honors Graduation

Student speaker from 2017 graduation Student speaker from 2017 graduation
Student speaker from 2017 graduation
Would you like to share a story about your college experience with your graduating Honors class? The Honors Program is looking for up to three Honors graduating seniors to speak briefly (approximately three minutes each) at the Honors graduation ceremony on Thursday, April 26 at 11:00 AM in the Crisler Center. Might that be you?
We’re not looking for the standard graduation talk that summarizes the experience of the last four years and exhorts everyone to go out and do great things. Rather, we’d like you to address some specific aspect of your undergraduate education that was significant and has an Honors connection. In recent years students have talked about the friendship and support that came from the cohort of Honors concentrators in a departmental Honors concentration program, about a particularly interesting study abroad experience, about an inspiring instructor or thesis advisor, about their thesis research, about teaching a section of Honors 135, about participation in Honors Summer Fellows, and so on. (There is no reason you should avoid those topics if they are relevant to you: we’re looking for good stories, whatever their topic.)
If you are interested in speaking, please email Dr. Lisa Broome ( by April 5 with the topic you would like to address and a summary of what you plan to say. You do not need to prepare the talk unless you are selected. We will try to see that a variety of topics and interests are represented.

Important Notes and Timeline

Please check your final exam schedule to make sure you will be able to attend the required rehearsal on 4/25 and the commencement ceremony on 4/26. If you have an exam conflict, you may still apply; please note the exact circumstances when you submit your proposal.

4pm, Thursday, April 5: Deadline for topic proposal emails
Tuesday, April 10: All applicants notified of results
Noon, Monday, April 16: Draft of speech due [2 double-spaced, 12pt.-font typed pages]
April 16-19: Recommended revisions sent to speakers
By Monday, April 23: Required individual speech rehearsal (make an appointment with Lisa before end of day 4/23).
Noon, Tuesday, April 24: Final draft of speech due for closed-captioning
1-2pm, Wednesday, April 25: Required rehearsal at Crisler Center
11am, Thursday, April 26: Honors Commencement Ceremony
Student speaker from 2017 graduation Student speaker from 2017 graduation
Student speaker from 2017 graduation

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