Presented By: Department of Physics
SPECIAL SEMINAR | The Future of Fundamental Particle Physics – Should China Build the Great Collider?
Gordy Kane (U-M Physics)
The Standard Models of particle physics and cosmology are wonderful theories that fully describe our world. But there are some hidden aspects of nature we don’t understand yet, such as dark matter, a quantum theory of gravity, and more. There are some counterintuitive things we know – for example the earth orbits the sun, although it does not seem to. There may be more counterintuitive aspects of nature such as extra space dimensions that arise in string theory. The talk, based on discussions with Stephen Hawking, will describe the Standard Models, the puzzling issues beyond the Standard Models, and how the well-motivated Great Collider will contribute to solving them. The Great Collider will also provide major economic and cultural development.
The talk will begin at 4:00 p.m. sharp!
The talk will begin at 4:00 p.m. sharp!
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