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Are you ready to start searching for a great internship? Do you have a few ideas, but you’re not sure where to get started? Wherever you’re at: that's ok!
Get real time, personalized support by checking out the Internship Lab. It's designed as a drop-in hour, so come when you can during this time. It's a place for you to search for and find a great internship experience!
Chat with folks from the University Career Center to explore Handshake, the University Career Alumni Network (UCAN) and to learn aboutother tools you can use to build a great job/internship search strategy.
If you're not sure what you're interested in, consider making an "Exploring Major/Career Option" appointment to get started clarifying your interests with a career coach in a 1-on-1 setting.
If you're a GraduateStudent, please make a 1:1 appointment instead of attending the Lab because this event is designed for undergraduates.
Note: This event's information is shown in Handshake as well as on the Happening @ Michigan calendar so that it will be seen by a larger number of U-M Students. If you'd like to indicate that you'll be attending this event then please go to: https://app.joinhandshake.com/events/246743
Are you ready to start searching for a great internship? Do you have a few ideas, but you’re not sure where to get started? Wherever you’re at: that's ok!
Get real time, personalized support by checking out the Internship Lab. It's designed as a drop-in hour, so come when you can during this time. It's a place for you to search for and find a great internship experience!
Chat with folks from the University Career Center to explore Handshake, the University Career Alumni Network (UCAN) and to learn aboutother tools you can use to build a great job/internship search strategy.
If you're not sure what you're interested in, consider making an "Exploring Major/Career Option" appointment to get started clarifying your interests with a career coach in a 1-on-1 setting.
If you're a GraduateStudent, please make a 1:1 appointment instead of attending the Lab because this event is designed for undergraduates.
Note: This event's information is shown in Handshake as well as on the Happening @ Michigan calendar so that it will be seen by a larger number of U-M Students. If you'd like to indicate that you'll be attending this event then please go to: https://app.joinhandshake.com/events/246743
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