The deadline is noon, December 4, 2019 for the First and Second Year Hopwood Awards and other creative writing contests. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS ALLOWED! Please submit well in advance. All submissions take place online. For more information, visit
(Please note: if you are graduating in December you may submit work to the Graduate and Undergraduate Hopwood Awards contests for which you are eligible, but your deadline is December 4th instead of January 29th.)
~~Brief summary of December 4, 2019 deadline contests~~
* Hopwood First and Second Year Contests are open to first- and second-year students (with further eligibility requirements detailed at above link). Genres included in these contests are poetry, nonfiction, and fiction.
* Roy W. Cowden Memorial Fellowship is open to students with demonstrable financial need (recipients must receive University of Michigan financial aid, along with other eligibility requirements listed at the link above). Genres included are drama, screenplay, nonfiction, fiction, and poetry.
* There are a number of Single Poem Contests with the December deadline: The Marjorie Rapaport Award in Poetry, The Jeffrey L. Weisberg Memorial Award, The Bain-Swiggett Poetry Prize, The Michael R. Gutterman Award, and The Academy of American Poets Awards. These contests each recognize a single poem, but have separate entry requirements. Please read each page carefully.
* The Hopwood Award Theodore Roethke Prize recognizes long poems or poetic sequences and is open to all University of Michigan students (with further eligibility requirements at the link above).
(Please note: if you are graduating in December you may submit work to the Graduate and Undergraduate Hopwood Awards contests for which you are eligible, but your deadline is December 4th instead of January 29th.)
~~Brief summary of December 4, 2019 deadline contests~~
* Hopwood First and Second Year Contests are open to first- and second-year students (with further eligibility requirements detailed at above link). Genres included in these contests are poetry, nonfiction, and fiction.
* Roy W. Cowden Memorial Fellowship is open to students with demonstrable financial need (recipients must receive University of Michigan financial aid, along with other eligibility requirements listed at the link above). Genres included are drama, screenplay, nonfiction, fiction, and poetry.
* There are a number of Single Poem Contests with the December deadline: The Marjorie Rapaport Award in Poetry, The Jeffrey L. Weisberg Memorial Award, The Bain-Swiggett Poetry Prize, The Michael R. Gutterman Award, and The Academy of American Poets Awards. These contests each recognize a single poem, but have separate entry requirements. Please read each page carefully.
* The Hopwood Award Theodore Roethke Prize recognizes long poems or poetic sequences and is open to all University of Michigan students (with further eligibility requirements at the link above).
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