Presented By: Department of Middle East Studies
Islam, Markets, Empires, Frontiers
A Tribute to Michael Bonner (1952-2019)
Poverty and charity in medieval lslamic societies, territories and frontiers in the early and middle Islamic period, the theory and practice of jihad, and the economic history of Arabia at the rise of Islam - these were some of the main themes in the work of Michael Bonner (1952-2019), Professor of Medieval Islamic History, who passed away earlier this year. Michael Bonner was a truly encyclopedic scholar and intellectual, admired for his linguistic breadth and philological depth, and his attention to detail and awareness of the big picture. His enthusiasm, curiosity, and creativity affected many of his students. At this symposium former students, teachers, collaborators will gather to celebrate his work and his memory, and present new research carrying on his legacy.
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