Presented By: Biomedical Engineering
BME 500: Meghan Driscoll, Ph.D.
Regulation of Intracellular Signaling via Cellular Morphologyā€¯
Signaling is governed not only by the expression levels of molecules, but by their localization via mechanisms as diverse as compartmentalization in organelles, phase separation, and directed transport by motor proteins. Cell morphology likely also modulates the localization of signaling molecules, and recent advances in high-resolution light-sheet microscopy, such as lattice light-sheet microscopy, now allow imaging at the spatiotemporal resolution needed to capture the many undulations and quick dynamics of the 3D cell surface. However, these microscopes generate large datasets with detailed 3D movies that are impossible to interpret without a dedicated computational pipeline. In this seminar, I will introduce u-shape3D, a computer graphics and machine-learning pipeline to probe molecular mechanisms underlying 3D cell morphogenesis. U-shape3D includes a generic morphological motif detector that automatically finds lamellipodia, filopodia, blebs and other motifs in order to test the intriguing possibility that morphogenesis itself affects intracellular signaling.
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