Presented By: Rackham Graduate School
Online: Rackham North—Designing Your Curriculum Vitae
In light of COVID-19 and in alignment with university policy, Rackham is delivering our professional and academic programming when possible in alternative formats. This workshop will not be held in person but instead will be offered using Zoom technology. Please be sure to check your email the morning of the online workshop for the link to participate in the program.
Do you need a Curriculum Vitae (CV), but all you have is a resume? CVs are required to apply to research and academic positions, and very often to fellowships and scholarships. If you have had a resume for a while, but you are now pursuing research and you need to develop a CV, this workshop is for you. If you have a resume, bring a printout to the workshop. Bring a laptop if available.
This workshop is designed for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Space is limited. For faculty and staff, please contact to see if we can accommodate your attendance.
Registration is required at
We want to ensure full and equitable participation in our events. If an accommodation would promote your full participation in this event, please follow the registration link to indicate your accommodation requirements. Please let us know as soon as possible in order to have adequate time (one week preferred) to arrange for your requested accommodation(s) or an effective alternative.
Do you need a Curriculum Vitae (CV), but all you have is a resume? CVs are required to apply to research and academic positions, and very often to fellowships and scholarships. If you have had a resume for a while, but you are now pursuing research and you need to develop a CV, this workshop is for you. If you have a resume, bring a printout to the workshop. Bring a laptop if available.
This workshop is designed for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Space is limited. For faculty and staff, please contact to see if we can accommodate your attendance.
Registration is required at
We want to ensure full and equitable participation in our events. If an accommodation would promote your full participation in this event, please follow the registration link to indicate your accommodation requirements. Please let us know as soon as possible in order to have adequate time (one week preferred) to arrange for your requested accommodation(s) or an effective alternative.
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