Brian Vander Ark is the lead singer of the Verve Pipe, which became one of Michigan's biggest rock bands of the last decade with songs like the number-one hit "The Freshmen." In 2001 he appeared as part of the band Blood Pollution in the Mark Wahlberg movie "Rock Star." Then he lit out on his own, selling all his possessions and rediscovering his love of performing. He has charisma to spare! On his studio albums, plus several more or less official live releases (an Ark show is a good place to pick up the more obscure items), Brian has taken up personal themes of family, love, and loss. The Grand Rapids Press hails Brian's way of "adroitly meshing acoustic grace with penetrating rock and pop power." Oh, and his name means "of The Ark" in Dutch. If you haven't seen this rock legend's solo show yet, what are you waiting for?
- $27 Reserved, $20 General Admission
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