Presented By: Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Cancelled: Earth Day at 50, Engineering for the Next 50
Speaker: Todd Allen, Chair and Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
Engineering is the application of science to the optimum conversion
of the resources of nature to the uses of humankind. So what does
that mean for engineers trying to build clean energy systems? This
talk will outline the challenges required to build cleaner energy
systems and what that means for engineers from Earth Day +50 and the
following 50 years.
Speaker: Todd Allen, Chair and Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
of the resources of nature to the uses of humankind. So what does
that mean for engineers trying to build clean energy systems? This
talk will outline the challenges required to build cleaner energy
systems and what that means for engineers from Earth Day +50 and the
following 50 years.
Speaker: Todd Allen, Chair and Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
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