Presented By: Campus Chapel
Taizé Evening Prayer
Brother Emile and Brother John of the Taizé Community
Brothers Emile and John, visiting Ann Arbor from the Taizé Community in France, will lead us in evening prayer.
These ecumenical prayer gatherings are a series of three community prayer services centered on this year's Taizé Community theme: "Always on the Move, Never Uprooted." Each night's prayer service will be grounded in one aspect of the theme. The first service will focus on "Always on the move, fully present to those around us." The second will focus on "Always on the move, together with exiles." this third service will focus on "Always on the move, as part of the whole creation." Join us as Brothers Emile and John share in the spiritual practice that is the heart of the community's home in France.
Monday, March 9
7:00 PM
St. Mary Student Parish
331 Thompson Street
Theme: Fully Present
Evening prayer followed by a light reception
Tuesday, March 10
7:00 PM
First Baptist Church
517 E Washington Street
Theme: Refugee Solidarity
Evening prayer followed by a light reception
Wednesday, March 11
7:00 PM
Campus Chapel
1236 Washtenaw Court
Theme: Creation Care
Dinner at 6:00 PM followed by evening prayer
"In life and in faith we are pilgrims, sometimes even strangers on the earth. In times of trial and joy, let us remember that God is faithful and invites us to persevere in our commitments; God is already preparing a future of peace." - Brother Alois, prior of Taizé Community
These ecumenical prayer gatherings are a series of three community prayer services centered on this year's Taizé Community theme: "Always on the Move, Never Uprooted." Each night's prayer service will be grounded in one aspect of the theme. The first service will focus on "Always on the move, fully present to those around us." The second will focus on "Always on the move, together with exiles." this third service will focus on "Always on the move, as part of the whole creation." Join us as Brothers Emile and John share in the spiritual practice that is the heart of the community's home in France.
Monday, March 9
7:00 PM
St. Mary Student Parish
331 Thompson Street
Theme: Fully Present
Evening prayer followed by a light reception
Tuesday, March 10
7:00 PM
First Baptist Church
517 E Washington Street
Theme: Refugee Solidarity
Evening prayer followed by a light reception
Wednesday, March 11
7:00 PM
Campus Chapel
1236 Washtenaw Court
Theme: Creation Care
Dinner at 6:00 PM followed by evening prayer
"In life and in faith we are pilgrims, sometimes even strangers on the earth. In times of trial and joy, let us remember that God is faithful and invites us to persevere in our commitments; God is already preparing a future of peace." - Brother Alois, prior of Taizé Community
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